10 Healthy Habits To Follow Everyday To Change Your Life

10 Healthy Habits To Follow Everyday To Change Your Life

Mamma Mia Greens

10 healthy habits to follow everyday seems like it is easy. However, when it comes to producing the best version of yourself actually takes a lot of work. This post will give you practical advice to moving toward implementing these 10 habits to your daily lifestyle.

Written by: Emily Lopez

Last updated on: 06/10/2024

10 healthy habits to follow everyday

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I am going to assume some things before you read this post. First thing is you probably have heard of most of these tips. However, you just do not know to to get started in applying these tips to your everyday life. You know eating fruits and vegetables is better than fried ice cream. But the temptation is high and you need the power to change. Well, I have to break it to you. You can not change on your own. It is true you need help, I need help. We all do. Creating good habits does not happen all at once. Instead of being overwhelmed by all of the 10 healthy habits to follow everyday take it one SMALL change at a time until you’ve mastered it. Then move on to the next one. Proverbs 3- acknowledge the Lord in all of your ways. “Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2.

What should you do everyday to stay healthy?

#1. Hydration. Drinking more water is essential in the top 10 healthy habits to follow everyday. It can be so easy to take in extra calories with any other type of fluids besides water. Drinking more water throughout your day has been known to help with digestion, flushing out toxins in the body, headaches and boost energy. If you are someone who wants to be more hydrated but is not a big fan of drinking water simply adding a few slices of lemon can be a healthy solution to adding some flavor to your water. Other infused water recipes can be a delicious way to take in more water.

#2. Sleep. Most people get too much sleep or not enough sleep. Studies have shown that adults should aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Sleep helps you get the rest and strength you need for proper brain function and focus. Along with sleep comes with proper rest. Resting once a week from work either from your office job or even a day of rest for the stay at home moms(like me). Taking a sabbath is essential to success in everyday rhythms and to help prevent burnout.

If you are a parent, or stay at home parent you might be thinking. How can I possibly rest when I still have to take care of my family. You can do both. For me, cleaning is not my idea of rest. Sometimes trying to figure out what for dinner can be stressful. However, make you day restful by planning ahead easy meals to prepare or it is one day a week you eat out. The day can be full of rest without having to even think about all the things on your to do list.

#3. Exercise

Exercise is extremely helpful for physical health and overall brain health. Simply taking walking breaks throughout your day will increase brain function. Exercise is also known to reduce stress levels. Exercise should be something fun and enjoyable. If lifting weights is not your thing, okay fins something that is your thing. Become a pickle ball player and learn to enjoy a new hobby.

#4. Eat More Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet is essential to living minimalist and healthy lifestyle. It really can be simpler by add fruit to your breakfast or some broccoli flourish to your dinner. If you find it hard to have healthy eating habits start either just one meal a day to become healthier. If you start with just breakfast and have good protein breakfast instead of proceeded foods or with high sugars like cereal. You will begin to feel better throughout your day and continue to make healthier eating habits through the day. Once you’ve mastered your breakfast habit try moving on to lunch. Once you have mastered lunch, move on to mastering dinner. It’s a process and you will eventually see the changes.

#5. Meditation/Gratitude

Prayer life, will change your life. Simple start praying to God with Gratitude. Finding joy in all circumstances. If we have breathe in our lungs we have something to be thankful for. The idea of medicating and getting inline with the Holy Spirit will transform your mind and will. Jesus is everything we need for all things. If medication is something you inspire to do but tends to be something you forget about doing. Dedicate a time and space to meditate. It could be in your car right after you start the car you take a few moments to pray before you start driving. Or dedicate your kitchen sink. Every time you was the dishes instead of complain about this chore you have the opportunity to change you mind and your heart to be grateful for the food you were able to eat. There are plenty of space in your hoke or in places you are daily that can turn into a moment of gratitude.

#6. Goal Setting

To have a goal in mind will keep you focused on being disciplined to help you get to where you want to go. If you do not have a goal in mind you are less likely to accomplishing where you want to go because there will not be any consistency.

#7. Less Screen Time

Small habits can help and lead us to not be on our cell phones much. Of course, I am not against cell phones. They sure a great purpose to be connected to others and snap some of the best photos, find dinner recipes or get needed information within seconds. However, we can also waste more time of them than we think. While it can be used for good it also can be used against us as well. Hours scrolling on TikTok/Instagram reels when that time could be used to work on something more meaningful. I am not fully against social media, but we have to limit it to allow our brains and bodies to run at its best. We could all use less screen time. How to get started? It is simple, start with the first hour of your day. Challenge yourself to allow yourself to leave your phone in a different room for the first hour of your day right when you wake up. Simply wake up and turn your alarm off and leave it on the charger. Use your fresh energy to spend sometime to yourself. You could workout, read, drink a warm cup of coffee, make breakfast for the family, be outside, go on a walk before your busy day gets started. This is simply going to be one of the new habits to start that you will look forward to when you get in a rhythm.

#8. In Person Conncetion

It seems as if most people want to do things individually, when most days we crave for social interaction. I know this as a stay at home mom, when a day is full of chaos it might be nice to settle down and be with friends. It doesn’t have to be have event but having friends near you that you are able to go for a walk with or you can let the kids play together, or you are able to meet face to face once in a week will give you the strength you need to keep moving forward.

#9. Preparation(Time Management)

Living a healthy lifestyle is all about managing your life well. How do you do that? By managing your time. This can seem like it’s an easy task. But for most of us we have to find a balance between keeping a busy schedule and having productive down time, and not eating time.

If you want to become a good steward of your time. Start by time blocking. Unsung Google Calendar is a great way to start your time blocking by filling in parts of your week. This is great for any person because we all thrive off routine and rhythms. It is extremely useful to schedule in rest time and a sabbath day. This helps with burnout and to not have an unrealistic expectation. If you put too much on your schedule and don’t complete all on your to do lists then you will leave yourself feeling defeated when you don’t get through all of your tasks.

If you’re a person who wants to accomplish more thought the day but doesn’t seem to have enough time you can try and structure your day to have pockets of success. Here is an example: while you’re waiting at the doctor’s office to get called back for your visit, instead of scrolling through social media you can use that time to read a book you’ve been putting off, or do work from your phone, or make your grocery list, or make your meal prep list. Instead of wasting time though out the day you can utilize all the day has by limiting distractions.

#10. Be in Creation/Grounding

Your body needs to be in creation. Go outside more. Get fresh air. Walking holds so many benefits but also practice grounding have show to have significant health benefits. Grounding(other side known as Earthing) helps with sleep, reduce stress, reduce pains and increases blood flow. If possible, walking barefoot on the beach sand, in grass at a park or yard. 20-30 days is most recommended. During this activation is can play a useful time to have grad

This post is all about: daily habits to improve your life, good daily habits, wellness habits, new habits to start, daily healthy habits fro women, daily habits of successful people, creating good habits, 10 healthy habits, daily habits to improve your life.