7 Genius Ways To Have Mom Motivation Everyday

7 Genius Ways To Have Mom Motivation Everyday

Mamma Mia Greens

Want to know how you can gain mom motivation today? These are the 7 genius ways every mom can do that will help motivate them to want to be a better mom.

mom motivation

Let’s just take a moment and congratulate you on reading this because you are taking the first step to CHOOSE TO BE A GOOD MOM. I already know you are a good mom and want to be an even better one.

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and million ways to be a good one.” -Jill Churchill.

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Let me guess you need mom motivation to do the every day running to-do list? It can be hard when you have to do the same thing every day. Or have a child that seems to struggle with listening or continues to misbehave. Or you could a a mom who is looking to get motivated to create new habits like becoming a morning person, eating clean, and trying to exercise more. Where ever you find yourself needing motivation let these tips grow deep roots in your motherhood journey and be a message to a strong mother, like you all are.

Why don’t we discuss how you can have more mom motivation then you ever have before? The tips you are about to learn are practical, and simple and will inspire you to grow as a mom for your spouse and children. Disclaimer, the list below does take some work but not just a check off-the to-do list kind of work. The kind of emotional to dig deep kind of “heart work.”

It is easy to have mom motivation when your first bring your baby home from the hospital. first. You want to care for all their needs and don’t want to miss a thing. However, in the moments, you don’t have the energy to get up early, make all the kid’s lunches, fold the laundry, wash the dishes, vacuum and all the things on your agenda we must know that we are only human and are meant to juggle all the things alone. We must put in perspective of what truly matters even if you are a lot like me and desire to have a spotless house.

Why moms are inspiring?

Moms are inspiring because even when moms don’t have the energy they still and will show up. They get up and raise their kids with joy and love. They still get up to make food (or buy it, that’s okay too). They abundantly love their children and are willing to sacrifice themselves to keep them safe. That is when the so-called, “Mama Bear,” comes out. Mom are inspiring and continue to inspire children not because of who they are but because of the Creator of the Universe who guides each and ever step they take.

This post is all about the best way to have mom motivation.

7 Genius Ways To Find Mom Motivation:

1. Let it be worship

Worship! Worship is not just by playing your favorite worship song in the background and automatically feeling motivated. Even though worship does help and lift our spirits. There are other forms of worship. What if I told you that a mom who serves her family could be considered worship? When doing the dishes, let it be worship. When folding the laundry, let it be worship. The definition of worship is defined as, an expression of praise and thanksgiving prompted by a theophany or the act of obedience to some divine directive,” according to biblestudytools.com. In your act in obedience to God through your motherhood journey to be a way to worship and find the mom motivation you are looking for. Simply, pray and ask our Heavenly Father to help you. Let this be a message to a strong mother:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

2. Make something special

It is nearly impossible to feel motivated all the time. Honestly, I wasn’t motivated to write this post at first. Then I knew there was a reason. But as I open my laptop and start to write sentence by sentence I start to become more inspired and motivated to write on. I joyfully write and will continue to make the time. This is a special place where I gain motivation. Yes, it requires some work but the work is worth it. While my baby naps instead of catching up on house work or preparing the next thing, I don’t do anything that is considered house work. I know I only have 30 minutes- 1 hour of “alone time”. I do what brings me joy. Writing to all of you is one of the things I enjoy. Want to hear the good news? You can make something special out of your time alone too. The cleaning and housework will still be there and that’s okay.

You might enjoy reading, so dust off the book on your nightstand. If you like to draw, start working on a painting project. Believe it or not, I have several friends who enjoy knitting(I used to attend a knitting hang-out group at a local coffee shop. Yes, we were all in our early 20s lol). Start knitting while you binge-watch TV. This could be a time to do an at-home workout if you please.

Gain back the mom motivation by having the mom time to yourself before you have to take care of everyone else.

message to a strong mother

3. Give life to the room

In motherhood, the reason we could be lacking motivation is because we might feel like we are doing the same thing over and over again. Yes, motherhood can be repetitive and can be a slow process to see the fruit that is being planting. I suppose it takes at least 18 years to grow. Something to get out of the routine or to have change in scenery is to bring more life into the rooms of our homes to create a new spark. Thankfully you won’t have to break your budget to spark up a room. You can start to feel more motivated to do even the small things by bringing beauty into the home:

Simply light a candle, pick some flowers and place them in a small vase.

Open up the windows and bring God’s light into the house.

Display the colorful fruits and vegetables on the kitchen table.

Get a house plant.

4. Call a friend

If you are a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or just a busy one it can get lonely. As a stay-at-home mom, I have found to have more mom motivation after I have called on a friend. We are made to live in community with one another and calling a friend who can catch up with me, pray with me, and encourage me in the motherhood journey. It can be easy to isolate ourselves as moms and think we are too busy for community. But in reality, we desperately need to have good people around one another in fellowship.

“An encouraging word cheers a person up.”

Proverbs 12:25

If you are new to a city or a traveling military family, I understand that finding friends can be hard in transitional seasons. Although it might make it a little more difficult. I believe that we are meant to be friends with the people God has placed right next to us. Maybe it is the sweet lady that always walks her dog past your house. Or your next door neighbors. I read the book, Find Your People by Jennie Allen. After reading that book I have gained perspective on looking for community in the people right next to me. Not just because I am the one who needs community it, but so do they.

5. Listen & Read

We obviously live in a world where there is a ton of information out there. As we focus on the information we are taking in, let the things we listen and read bring life to our souls. If that is a podcasts, books, movies, tv shows, or the short videos we watch on social media. We are all being influenced. Therefore it is extremely important who and what we allow our minds to dwell on. There are some amazing podcasts out there that are motivating and can provide a good message to a strong mom. I don’t just feel encouraged but feel inspired to get up and do more in life.

{Related Posts}: 7 of the Best Christian Mom Podcasts

Something to clear the mind from all the to-dos and tasks for mom is reading. I used to not be much of a reader but I needed so desperately to clear my mind from my phone and all the noise. Including my own thoughts. In doing so, I created a new habit of reading a least 10 pages of a book before bed. I put my phone on the charger and don’t pick it up again for the night. I read in my rocking chair until it is time for bed. Doing this has brought the feeling of accomplishment. In just a couple months, I read three books. I read motherhood, self improvement, and faith novels. Reading benefited my mind and soul. I encourage you to do the same. Atomic Habits by James Clear and Desperate Hope For A Mom Who Needs To Breathe by Sally Clarkson are encouraging reads.

beautiful word for mother

6. Get Outside

Honestly, some days I probably wouldn’t make it outside if I did not have my dogs. Each time I take them outside for them to run and play I get an instant mood booster. I know it puts me in a better mood and it does for my baby too. Feeling the warm breeze and sun shining on my face lightens my mood. Next time you are outside take a deep breathe during a hard mommy day and feel the change it makes in you. Sometimes mom motivation doesn’t require a lot of effort from you. Just showing up at the park and being on the sideline to watch your kids play is one of thousands of ways to be a good mom. Let kids be kids and get outside because it benefits all of us.

7. Seek the Truth

We save the best for last. This one is the most important of them all. Read truth through affirmation cards. It is easy to feel down and unmotivated to do things. But we are called to a greater purpose with God.

Showing up every day to read the bible. It might sound easy and simple which it is. But it does require hard work. Disciple! But this work will help you with everything else in life. You will do far more beyond motherhood because you are marking a generation of following Jesus. Spending intentional time with the Father. Let me come and say it, it not just another thing to do. It the only thing you need to be successful in being a human being.

When we read scripture we can understand our Heavenly Father who deeply loves us and pursues us. He guides our footsteps and is with us through it all. If we seek his truth and dig deeper into what he is communicating to us on a personal level then we will get all the mom motivation we will ever need because it comes from him.

Reading the bible and meditating on scripture will transform out hearts to be Christ-like.

“His passion is to remain true to the Word of “I AM,” meditating day and night on the true revelation of light.” Psalms 1:2 TPT

This post is all about finding Mom Motivation when you have none.

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