The Best Minimalist Daily Routine

The Best Minimalist Daily Routine

Mamma Mia Greens

The best minimalist daily routine is established through habits that create the minimalist lifestyle. You are going to learn the unique tips to create a minimalist daily routine to thrive no matter the stage of life you are in. These routines will help you advance in becoming more productive and living a life more intentionally.

If you feel overwhelmed and full of chaos in your brain and physically then it is time to take a pause and start living more simply. The road to minimalism looks different for everyone. You can be as much of a minimalist as you want to. What I mean by this is the point is to live with fewer things and more of what truly matters in life to you. In order to do this is by embracing the day-to-day. Let’s get improve your minimalist habits by changing your lifestyle with the best minimalist daily routine.

This post is all about minimalist daily routine.

minimalist daily routine

How do I start a minimalist lifestyle?

Starting a minimalist lifestyle can be more simple than you think. It all starts with just ONE small action. Yep… just one. When you take small actions day by day and you’re consistent then before you know it you will notice the minimalist lifestyle you created.
The one thing you can do is to start decluttering and simplifying your life to live intentionally.

Living minimal can look different for each person and family. There is not the so called, “perfect” minimalist family. However, there is an opportunity to focus on what matters most for your family. When you choose to change your habits you will see the results you are longing for in this life. It great to have goals and dream about the life you want. But it actually is built in the day to day. Life is going to pass you by if you do not take action today on what you are dreaming out doing and becoming. This post will feature great tips to incorporate in your new minimalist daily routine.

Related Posts: How To Slowly Start Becoming A Minimalist Checklist

Best Minimalist Starter Pack Essentials

If you want to be prepared as a minimalist there are a few items you will use in your minimalist daily routine. Each of these items are meant to be purposeful for everyday work ad to help you function at the best capacity. These items are some that last for years and help in the day to day.

A Journal

Being a minimalist allows for a better opportunity to be prepared. Adding an assessable journal to my diaper bag, purse or in the car for quick notes and thoughts that come across my mind. I like to write theses down to help remember the important things and not loose track of.


Family calendar will change everything. Simplifying life and growing to be more intentional by simply creating one calendar for everyone in the family to see and keep up to date with. You would be surprised on how the communication and flow of your day will be because there is a set calendar for everyone to known what to expect. Very practical and simple for everyone to manage.

Related Posts: Beginner’s Guide: Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Organizational Materials

As a minimalist we all know you are probably well organized. Or on your journey of being more organized. Regardless of where you are at in the minimalist journey get bins, buckets, labels to help you feel more at easy as you organize and declutter your space.

Water Bottle

On the go and trying to enjoy life more? Staying hydrated is always a non negotiable when it comes the minimalist daily routine.

minimalist daily routine

Minimalist Daily Routine

The minimalist daily routine will not consist of a minimalist to do list that is extremely long. It will be filled with productivity but not to the point of complete exhaustion. We need to be reminded to use our time well in our days to live simply. These are the unique ideas to add to be part of your minimalist daily routine.

Write down the top three priorities of the day.

The top priorities are the things that are outside the daily rhythm of to-dos. One example is to call to schedule the doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. Other examples, write a blog post, go through the budget, organize the pantry, etc.

The point of having just three things to “big” accomplish in the day that are not normally in your daily rhythm are to be more productive by going to bed knowing you have accomplished at least three things. If you’re anything like me. I can write an extremely long list of to do and not so one thing on the list in that day because it seems too overwhelming. If that is you then picking at least three things that need to get done will be a great start of productivity without being overwhelmed.

Hey, if you get more done! Good for you. You don’t have to stop after you get the third task done. If you are on a roll. Keep it going!!

Scheduled Alone Time

If you’re a mama, it might seem like you never get alone time. I know the feeling. Or you might be a busy business leader with multiple emails flooding in before you wake up. However, your day looks like makes it a priority to have some time alone once a day. Getting time to yourself might be the best part of your minimalist daily routine. This time will help keep you sane with the tasks you will face day to day. Alone time helps you to ditch the chaos and have a clear mind.

Get Outside

Fresh air really does you some good. Relating back to the purpose of minimalism is to be content with living with less to embrace the good things in life. One of the good things in life is being outside in God creation. being outside will boost your mood. Incorporate daily moments to get outside. Simply step outside to have your morning coffee or add a short walk into your day.

Daily Movement

Exercise is essential to living intentionally. It can be difficult to be motivated to start working out. As you create the habit of movement by adding it to your minimalist daily routine. It will begin to become part of your daily rhythm without having to think much of it. The motivation to work out will not happen every day. Create the habit of movement by making a goal of 10 minutes a day for starters. Ideally is to work your way up to 30 minutes a day.

Intentional Connection

It seems like everyone is SOOOO busy these days. We can easily fill out days with busy things and miss the opportunity to focus on important relationships. Start time blocking in your schedule the relationships that matter to you. If you have a friend you have not chatted with on the call them on your lunch break or on your commute. We are made for connection and intention. As you add this to your minimalist daily routine you will see relationships be strengthened because you have dedicated intentional time to be connected with the ones you love.

Related Posts: 12 Simple Rules To Becoming The Most Organized Mom

Set A Time to Get Organized

Each day dedicate approximately 15 minutes to getting organized. This task can look different each day. One day you might need to use this time to do more office tasks like planning, budgeting, scheduling, grocery lists, and more. Another day can be organizing tasks like decluttering your clothes closet, organizing your laundry room, or doing a quick clean up around the house. Regardless of what the actual task is, the purpose is to set a 15 minute timer to clear your space to help you function well.

 If you were encouraged by this post. I always appreciate when you share with a friend. One great way to do so is by tagging the Mamma Mia Greens Instagram account. We love to hear your feedback and love to encourage you as you simplify your life.

Here at Mamma Mia Greens we believe in sharing hope in Jesus Christ in all things. Yes, even in the mist of chaos in the home we live in. We are inspired to living simply to be less of the world and more of Jesus.

This post is all about minimalist daily routine.