Minimalism Living: Is it actually helpful?

Minimalism Living: Is it actually helpful?

Mamma Mia Greens

Minimal living can look like a different picture for everyone. Your simplicity might be complete chaos for me and vis versa. The minimalist mindset will be different for each person who attempts to live in this fashion. But do people who choose to live in this lifestyle actually say all the benefit? In this post, you will learn about my personal benefits of minimalism living as a wife and mother. Yes, even moms can incorporate this way of living into the people in their homes.

This post is all about minimalism living.

minimalism living

Is minimalism good for mental health?

Practicing good mental health is extremely important. One way of having a clear mind is having a clean and clear environment. Creating a clutter-free home has drastically changed my mental health. With less clutter I have less to distract me from important things I want to accomplish throughout my day. Mentally, I do not feel overwhelmed by my home or by the stuff that I have. If I have too much stuff it won’t actually be used to serve me well but bring me stress. Becoming a minimalist have brought me peace as I started to value the things I own than I have before.

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Personal Benefits for Minimalism Living

Spend Less

Once I began pondering around the minimalistic lifestyle. I began to actually value the thing I wanted to spend my time and money on. If you know me. I LOVE a good local coffee shop. In college, I would only study and socialize in these settings. Which is not a cheap hobby. Sometimes I would order a drink and only have a couple sips. Clearly I wasting the money. It was a comfortable habit to run my a coffee shop for any outing for the day.

Some might say that it is better than other addictions. Well its still an unhealthy habit. In order to break this habit I had to make a change. I challenged myself to one month of no buying coffee when out and about. That’s only home made coffee.

After about two weeks I did not crave it as much as I did before. Once the month was over I rewarded myself for the discipline it took. Buying my first cup of coffee after a month was such a reward. I began to be more thankful for this treat. This made me think about are some other things I have but don’t value. Is there something you think about?

Maintain The Home

Before operating in the minimalism mindset I would be so overwhelmed by my own home. It was not that I was a messy person. Or someone who was accumulate a bunch of stuff. But I soon began to be overwhelmed by the things that are in the way of the day to day cleaning. Slowly I began to declutter my space to be serve myself better. It can be so overwhelming when there was so much in the space, things hidden in drawers, too many clothes to count, and so on. Can anyone relate?

Of course, your home will always need to be maintained. Why not make it easier? Instead of holding on to stuff for years keeping clear counter tops, limited home decor, and not over consuming with personal products. Once, I made this switch it made cleaning the home faster than ever. Cleaning become to be an easier task as part of my the daily rhythm. Chores would only only take 1 hour for the full day instead of having to maintain the home for multiple hours a day to the point of exhaustion

True Satisfaction

Have you ever heard someone say, “You will live in the World, but not be of the world?” This saying is referred in the Book of John in the Bible.

“I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” -John 17:14-15.

As a believer of Christ, I am reminded living on earth is temporary along with the possessions in it. I don’t want my mind or most of my days be filled with thinking about what I want to buy next. Or obsessing about the next big thing in life. That doesn’t mean I don’t have dreams but I have learned to take more moments of gratitude when I value the things I do have and where I spend my time.

True satisfaction and joy comes from God. We live in a temporary world. With temporary homes and products. With this in mind, I have learned to focus my efforts in my relationship with Jesus and with his people then having my thoughts constantly be on things that are not so important. Instead of focusing on constantly cleaning, organizing and being over stimulated by house work. I have freed up my time to do the things I love, like writing, being with my loved ones, hiking, and so much more.

Minimalism Living: Important points to keep in mind

Keeping a mindset of minimalism actually takes work. We easily creep into over consuming way too quickly. For example, if you want to get a new outfit for a special event there is a high change you’ll have a snowball effect. Next you will need to buy a new pair of shoes, then a pair of earrings, then a new bag. Before you know it over consuming will be in other areas of your life. Since it is extremely easy to fall into this pattern it makes it essential for good minimalist habits to be established.

You too can join the minimalist lifestyle. I write all about minimalism and simple living to point you in the direction of Jesus Christ. Being minimal is all about saying no to things so you can say yes to the right things for you and your family. Even when it is an unpopular no. I put my hope in Jesus Christ for eternity and in the temporary.

This post is all about minimalism living.