9 Tips On How To Be Productive Everyday

9 Tips On How To Be Productive Everyday

Mamma Mia Greens

Does it seem almost impossible to learn how to be productive everyday ? Good thing I have good news for you. You will be pleased to learn these 9 simple tips on exactly how to be productive everyday.

how to be productive in life

In this post you are going to learn my EXACT strategies for staying focused when I have a busy day in front of me. Especially when being productive is the only option when I am on a time crunch.

As a stay at home/work from home mom I have a lot to do in very little time. Making the largest impact with the little time I have during nap time. I am sure to understand how to make the most out of my time.

Theses tips helped me to truly stay on track without feeling burnt out by the end of the day. I know this will show you how to be productive everyday no matter what life throws at you.

1.Get rid of distractions.

One of the best ways to be unproductive is by being distracted. To help you resist the temptation, list out some of the things that distract you the most. Most likely the most common distraction is your phone. Personally, social media is a mindless act of simply picking up the phone to scroll through. One easy solution can be to put your phone on do not disturb to prevent notifications from popping up when at work. You can be more productive through your day by getting rid of the distractions that hold you back from accomplishing the most important tasks. Other common distractions are: friends, television, talking, sing-a-long music, food, etc. Each of these distractions are hard to juggle when trying to accomplish a task. These distractions hold value but not during grind time.

2. Create good habits.

Rhythms and habits shape us as humans to function and thrive. Creating good habits can lead us to the success we are longing for. To create a new habit sounds so easy, right? It is not as easy as it sounds. Have you every thought about breaking your old habits? That one is REALLY tough. To get on the right track we have to list out the good habits we want to put into our everyday rhythm.

In the first point, we mentioned distractions. To element distractions, one of the most useful habits I have developed over the last 4 years has been to not scroll on my phone for the first hour of my day. This has become easy for me to do OVERTIME. At first, this seemed to be nearly impossible to do because I had to recognize the bad habit that was formed and needed to somehow break it.

Create good habits to help you be productive everyday are found in each point of this post. In addition, habits that focus on personal growth spiritually, emotionally, and physically can lead to a tremendous increase in productivity.

3. Habit stacking.

Have you every heard of habit stacking? Habit stacking is one of the best ways to get the most out of your time. Basically it is combining two habits into one time frame. For example, getting out of bed to moving to make your bed. Going on a walk and calling a friend. This is beneficial to get multiple things accomplished in the same usage of time.

Productive things to do everyday

4. Setting timers.

Timers will be one of the most impactful ways to stay focused and how to be productive everyday. A good rule when setting yourself up for success is to set a timer for 30 minutes of work in once setting. Then enjoy a 10 min break. Doing this will ensure a reward of a productive ratio of the time spent working and also allow your brain reset for the next timer productivity.

5. Take healthy breaks.

It is break time! Healthy breaks can be productive. Healthy breaks can include grabbing a bit to eat(eating while working can slow down productivity), walking, getting up and moving your body, taking time to socialize. If you work from home this can be a good time to move around and do a chore like things vacuuming or throwing in a load of laundry in the washer. Taking healthy breaks can be seen as productive breaks. If you attempt to stay completely focused for the entire day then you are more than likely to be disappointed in yourself when you do not take breaks when needed.

Scheduling in these healthy breaks will help you to stay on track to be part of your productive everyday routine. Even changing your environment from sitting in the different space can help boost creativity and productivity.

6. Have a schedule.

In order to have productive things to do everyday you need to have a schedule that is written out. Digitally or on a calendar. Either way will help get yourself prepared for the day ahead and where your attention needs to be focused on by priority. Time blocking will help you focus on a task for a block of time(hence that why it is called time blocking).

If you easily get distracted, like I do, have a piece of a paper and pen handy so if something comes to mind while you are working on a task you can write it down. This could be anything outside the current task you are working on. The list you make can be something you come back to at a later time. This tip will assist you from loosing focus and grinding through an important task.

7. Prepare for tomorrow.

Once you have a schedule in place it is important to prepare yourself for the next day to come. If you have certain tasks that must get done before starting the next task it is important to prioritize the most important things. Starting your day with success can be changed by how you finish the day before. If you tend to feel rushed in the mornings prepare your morning the night before. How does that work? Some things you can do is prepare your breakfast and lunch the night before so in the morning you can easily have it on the go.

Other things to prepare are laying out your clothes for the next day, gather your workbag, and write your top three priorities for the next day to be started on the right track. For those who work from home can still do these things to prepare and tween it a little to fit your needs. For example, cleaning off your work station for a fresh start for the next day.

8. Be encouraged.

Be encouraged along the way. If you are not setting goals then it is time to do that. Set SMART goals. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-bound. You want to see the progress you are making to want to keep going. How to be productive everyday is really about incorporating the discipline because motivation will only last so long. It is important to make these short term goals for small success and to have vision for your long term goals as well. Be encouraged in the small just the big accomplishments because the small habits lead to the big success when learning how to be productive everyday.

9. Accountability.

If you think you can do everything on your own then… NEWS FLASH! You can’t. We are called to be in community and to look towards our heavenly Father for guidance in all things. How to be productive everyday is hard but I personally feel more at peace knowing I am not alone doing it. I have my God to help me.

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”- Romans 8:28.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.“ – Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6-7 CSB

Praying through every decision throughout the day. Asking God to guide you through the tasks in your day allowing him to get the glory will change the perspective you have on productivity. As Christians we want to be good stewards of the time the Lord has given us so being accountable through others with like minded will help you start on the right path to keep focused each day!

How can I start a productive day?

You might have many things to do everyday to be productive. To start, like mentioned in the tips above, come into a new day prepared. Some ways to be prepared is to prepare the food for the next day the night before so you will not be in a rush the next morning. Next is to have a plan for the day a head in order to get done what you wish to accomplish. With out a plan you will not be as productive. You might catch yourself jumping to one task to another without finishing them. Being prepared and having a plan are great ways on how to start a productive day.

How can I be productive on a lazy day?

Allow for proper rest. As believers of Jesus we should accept the gift of the sabbath by taking one day of rest per week. This day of rest is to honor the Lord and to keep yourself from burning out. This even means from house work. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” Exodus 20:8. Other helpful verses include:

“If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
    and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
    and the Lord’s holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
    and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
14 then you will find your joy in the Lord,
    and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land
    and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 58: 13-14.

Now is the time to get to it. I hope you found these tips helpful on how to be productive everyday. I know you can do it!