The Best 13 Spring Cleaning Tips

The Best 13 Spring Cleaning Tips

Mamma Mia Greens

You are going to have the cleanest home with these spring cleaning tips. You will prepare to not miss a spot in your home. Get ready for your home to sparkle & shine.

Spring cleaning tips

If your home is anything like mine. It is kept up with… for the most part. It’s functional, right? Yet, at the same time, it calls for a thorough spring cleaning. You might be thinking, “How do we even start this?”

Good news, you are in the right place. For each corner of the home that needs cleaning and exactly how to clean it. You are going to feel too much peace and pleasure once you have completely cleaned out your home. Oh, how satisfying.

Be sure to pin this post on Pinterest to save for later. Get the best results in your home from these top spring cleaning tips.

How to do a thorough spring cleaning?

Is your home filled with clutter collecting dust? Does your house seem to always be dirty and desperately calling for a deep clean? Spring cleaning is approaching making it the perfect time to say no to the stress and clean the mess!

A thorough spring cleaning can be simply done by doing just a little bit extra work from your normal day of cleaning. It is taking a few extra steps to deep clean a space to create a peaceful home. How to do a thorough spring cleaning requires more effort into moving items/products out of the way and scrubbing away. The tips below will show you exactly how to approach each project of your home. Including the most common places people FORGET to clean.

The most important tip of the all the spring cleaning tips is to make a schedule. You are more than likely to have more things going in your week than cleaning. It is so important to create a plan of action to fit these areas of deep cleaning into your schedule for the next 7 to 10 days. Once going through the spring cleaning tips and tricks gather about 2-4 tasks per day to conquer.

Schedule about 2 tasks that take over 15 mins and schedule your other two tasks you think will take you less than 15 mins. The last thing you want is to be cleaning on day one for hours and end up get burnt out. Take it one day at a time by spacing out your energy.

In each room, you will need to be prepared to clean all surfaces, floors, and items. Take it room by room to have them completed one at a time to avoid partial projected being incomplete. Start with the messes dirtiest room of them all. This way cleaning will only have to get easier from here. Be prepared to deep clean walls, floors(shampoo carpets or sweep/mop floors, dust, spray windows, door knobs, wash rugs, and scrub baseboards in each room. Once you complete one room from this list then you can move to next dirty room.

Get the most out of your spring cleaning by cleaning the places in the home most people forget about. The places people most commonly neglect should be cleaned a couple times a year. Honestly, some people have not cleaned these spaces in years and it can be harmful to you. Along with the products you are using will not last as long when it is not properly being maintained. Some of these places that need deep cleaning include:

  • Deep cleaning your dishwasher(plus the filter)
  • Vacuum out vent trap in dryer
  • Cut the hairs tangled in the vacuum
  • Dust in hard-to-reach places like ceiling fans, high shelves, on top of cabinets, blinds, etc.
  • Clean walls
  • Baseboards need to be scrubbed
  • Vacuum couches(lift the couch cushions)
  • Windows sprayed & wiped
  • Mattress cleaning(let baking soda sit on the mattress for a few hours then vacuum it up)
  • Deep clean carpets(shampoo wash)
  • Hose down trash cans
  • Deep clean oven
  • Deep wash rugs
spring cleaning challenge

Always remember to clean top to bottom. If you start at the bottom then dirt, dust, and who knows what else of the yuck will fall right onto the newly cleaned area. Do not make your work turn into double work by making the effort to start at the top!

Spring cleaning tips that truly make your home space incredible are… drum roll….. having less stuff. Create a new space by decluttering things you do not use. There are so many reason why we need to simplify the home. Freeing up space can help to get the most of your time and energy by the things you possess to bring you value and serve a purpose.

Having less stuff in the home will free up your time from cleaning quite useless items. Lots of things in the home can be turned into donations or resold. Declutter one space at a time. Even when you have young children who can learn to appreciate the things they do possess.

Decluttering your home is another important part of the spring cleaning tips because I used to be so overwhelmed by my own home. Once, I became a mother I quickly realized my time was short handed and I needed to make the cleaning process not be so time consuming. I desired to be a better steward of my time not just for my benefit but for God’s glory.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” –Colossians 3:23-24 NIV.

Yes, this is true even in cleaning and decluttering your home!! The switch to minimalism became one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Multiple air purifiers in your home and changing the air filter will be very beneficial in your home to create a cleaner space. For those with allergies or who own pets, this will be a great assistance to keeping your home clean for a longer period.

It is a double win as you clean around and underthings to just go ahead and organize the space in front of you. As you CLEAN your closet it can be the perfect time to ORGANIZE your closet by using storage bins to tidy up and refold clothes to make your space more clear.

Does anyone else have a stinky drain? Quilty. To de-stink a sink with natural remedies. Dump 1 cup of baking soda in the drain. Let it sit in the drain for one hour without running any water. Then pour approximately 1/2 cup of hot white distilled vinegar into the drain.

spring cleaning in housekeeping

Did you know that wooden utensils we not made for the dishwasher? Easily, soak utensils in the sink with 50/50 water and distilled white vinegar. Let them sit for about 15 minutes before giving it a good scrub then lay out to air dry.

Wooden cutting boards can be managed with salt poured onto the board, and then scrubbed with a lemon. Following this step with a good rinse and left out to air dry.

Once the wooden items are dry use a mineral oil to prevent dryness.

The makeup section can be easily neglected over time. Deep cleaning is essential to keep this section of your bathroom clean and also for your face(who wants pimples, eww). Being a minimal woman has shown me great value in caring for my things. Quiet honestly, I found it is possible and pleasurable.

As simple as it sounds. If you’re feeling extra, sprinkle baking soda in the washer for a deeper clean.

spring cleaning tips and tricks

Some toys get neglected and overlooked when tossed in a bucket in the playroom use these spring cleaning tips to good use by sanitizing your toys. Also, do you feel like you have a billion toys? Perfect time to donate unwanted toys and perks to clear out your space. If you don’t already have a system set up for toy rotation this is the perfect time.

Toy rotation, in my opinion, is SUPER helpful to get the most value out of toys. I think it helps my son to not get bored and to be more creative when he uses his “new toys” he hasn’t seen in a while. Our house does a new toy rotation every two weeks.

Finish your cleaning project by diffusing essential oils in the air to leave a fresh scent and cleanliness to your new sparkling home.

How long should it take to spring clean?

If only this were an easy answer. This depends on a couple of factors. One is the size of your home. It would take significantly longer if you had to go through several rooms. It might depend on how many people live with you and how much stuff you have. The best advice here and to be brutally honest… the first time you spring clean it is going to seem like a long task. By continually decluttering throughout the year will make a significant difference when it comes to deep cleaning.

Those who keep up with their homes every week should be able to complete spring cleaning within 7-10 days but you can be successful in completing a spring cleaning job by taking it task by task little by little like one of the tips above by having a plan.

This post is all about the best spring cleaning tips.