Realistic Cleaning Schedule For A Busy Person

Realistic Cleaning Schedule For A Busy Person

Mamma Mia Greens

A realistic cleaning schedule for a busy person has to be done in a very strategic way because it simply will not get done if it is not planned. Come discover when to clean to make the most sense for your lifestyle.

Written by: Emily Lopez Last Updated on: July 3, 2024

realistic cleaning schedule house

In all honest, having a free realistic cleaning schedule is what we as busy people need to maintain our home without it being something we procrastinate or get exhausted by.

I struggled for so many years to be a person with consistency in this area. Even in times when I fall short of the expectation of keeping a weekly cleaning schedule. Remembering that seasons change in life and tweaking my schedule as time changes makes being productive more realistic.

If you find it hard to be consistent in cleaning. Or you’re someone who always wants to not feel overwhelmed by the little messes around the house then this realistic cleaning schedule is going to help your household thrive.

free Realistic Cleaning Schedule

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For best practices is to give realistic expectations on your chores list and making your goals be in reach. Also with avoiding burnout is to insure you still have a productive day. It is best to schedule one hard task and one easy task per day. Hard might be defined as something you really do not enjoy doing, something that might take a longer amount of time, or just a difficult task for you to accomplish. For example, moping the floors takes a while in my house or an easy task might be defined as quick and simple. Such as unloading the dishwasher, folding and fixing the pillows in the living room.

Deep Cleaning Vs Basic Cleaning

This type of realistic cleaning schedule for your house is for day to day cleaning incorporated into a deep cleaning. So, what is the difference in deep cleaning and basic cleaning? A deep clean is when you typically spend longer amount of time cleaning a space than on average day. This might be by deep cleaning your bathroom by taking everything off the counter tops and scrubbing the entire surface rather than just brushing down the commonly used space. Deep cleaning is all about a thorough clean that are commonly missed places that are overlooked.

Basic cleaning can be expecting the minimum requirement for a clean space. Things might be picked up and not cluttered but not spotlessly clean for long lasting shine. Basic cleaning will get you through without having a cluttered space but overtime there needs to be a wipe down deep cleaning to allow products, materials, and such to hold its value for a longer period of time.

Do you do a through clean once a week? Or have designated laundry day? Let this type of realistic cleaning schedule throw you in for a loop. Each day will have chores that will require a small amount of work instead of spending an entire day on the weekend to be for cleaning. Creating the habit to clean once a day will make cleaning easier to manage than having to have an overwhelming agenda.

The cleaning schedule below is inclusive to how our family functions in this season of life. This type of schedule is set to be an example to inspire you to clean in this type of lifestyle. Of course, I do not expect you to function exactly like us. Use this to guide you and make tweaks and additional cleaning spaces to help your household thrive. Some families prefer to do one load of laundry every single day, while other do one load a day to keep the pile away. This method seems to work well for our family to ensure a proper wash to maintain good quality for clothes. Another tip to ensure your home to be cleaned well is to be make the first few days of the week the “harder” days. Most of use tend to get more tired as the week goes on. I set these days for mopping and for chores I normally tend to put off.

  • Sunday: Deep Clean All Bathrooms, Clean Dog Bowls, Wash Kid’s Clothes. The first day of the week to cleaning the bathrooms. We enjoy having a clean space to get ready in and start our week (and mornings off strong).
  • Monday: Vacuum & Mop Floors, Wash All Dark Clothes.
  • Tuesday: Dust Furniture, Tidy Up Master Bedroom, Wash Light Color Clothes.
  • Wednesday: Clean Windows, Magic Erase Walls & Doors, Tidy Up Kid’s Room, Wash All Colored Clothes. Having a realistic cleaning set for kids will help them thrive with the feeling of accomplishment. Have your kids join you then you do all the cleaning in their space.
  • Thursday: Deep Clean A Specific Monthly Task, Take Out All Trash(because Friday’s are trash days), Wash Bedsheets. A specific monthly task can look like filing office papers, deep cleaning your oven or dish washer. Some of these tasks can be easily kept up with IF AND WHEN it is scheduled is what will help it work well.
  • Friday: Sweep/Vacuum, Deep Clean Kitchen, Tidy Up Pantry, Wash Towels. This set of chores helps our family to thrive during our weekends. Having an organized kitchen and pantry are essential to nourishing our family well.
  • Saturday: Sabbath Day!

Designated each of these tasks per day shouldn’t take you too long. In addtion to theses taks must be the everyday tasks which for us is:

  • Unload/load dishwasher
  • Make the bed
  • 10 minute house tidy up before bed
  • Kitchen is cleaned and dishwasher started before going to sleep at night.