7 Exclusive Tips To Have A Productive Day As A Homemaker

7 Exclusive Tips To Have A Productive Day As A Homemaker

Mamma Mia Greens

The only way to have a productive day as a homemaker is through specific habits and purpose behind your work. This post will share exclusive tips from Emily at Mamma Mia Greens, a stay at home who is going through it all, just like you.

Written by: Emily Lopez Last Updated: 6/18/2024

have a productive day

Do you strive to have a productive day but end up-getting lost in other meaning less tasks? Or have so much to do but it becomes too overwhelming? I can relate to that.

When I become a new mom, I found it super difficult to navigate this new rhythm of life. I desperately needed to find purpose and meaning in my days. I quickly realized this is a marathon and not a sprint.

As a homemaker, I don’t do EVERYTHING perfect but with the strength from the Lord there is purpose in every moment of the day. This is the start of many ways to have a productive day as a homemaker.

What does it really mean to be productive?

The process of being a productive person can have lot more of a strategy in road to success. Which leads to an additional question of what is success? In the world we live in, success might be tied into a job title, wealth, occupation, body image, etc. All of theses things seem to be people who are successful in the worlds eyes. As believers we must be successful in the eyes of the Lord. Being obedient in the calling of Lord has given each of is walking in success. This is what success is, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” – Joshua 1:8.

Have your children help in the home. Everyone has an important role in your family. Even from a young age my son has helped with small little tasks. He loved help put clothes in the laundry basket or baking with mom. Yes, it will be a little slower but sometimes we need to take in a slow paced life for this season. With littles they want to be by your side(which I love). Be an encourager of a strong work ethic. Your children want the feeling of accomplishment.

Set up a routine. Establish a schedule for yourself. Run your home like a business. Having a routine will keep everyone in the family on track and know the expectations for the day. Scheduling everything helps me stay productive and accomplish more. Schedule meal prep time, cleaning, outings, and anything else that happens on a daily bases. but allow for the holy spirit to move. May the Lords will be done. Prepare for things to not always go as planned. Of course, not everyday will be perfect and right in schedule. It’s important to schedule time in your day in the area that allow your child to thrive. For example, I know my son behaves well and listens better if we spend more time outsides. Being cooped up for too long can sometimes make it difficult to accomplish all the tasks in the day. For our home, making morning outings has been the easiest way to get energy out and be in God creation. Even if we have a busy day, we do our best to spend some time in the morning outside either going for a walk or playing in the yard.

Have time alone. This will look different in different seasons. Spend working with your hands and doing something that is rewarding and away from motherhood. Because we can easily wrap out identify in motherhood and the stakes for the day and leave behind the thought of we are still a daughter of the King. Do something alone each day. It could be only 10 minutes in the morning. It can be the first thing you do during nap time. Some days you won’t get as long as you’d like. but take mental breaks can help too. To not think about all things but to step outside and something else you enjoy.

Meal plan. Simplify the day in preparing a list of meals for the week. This tips has drastically changed the function of my home and has been established in my productive day routine. Start your week by planning meals for the rest of the week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. By putting your meal plan ideas on paper will mentally prepare yourself to have a productive week without trying to make meals up and not having all the right ingredients.

Undivided attention play time. It has been so easy to think that I would play my kids all day long. In reality, I would have my attention partially there. Decide to play with your children with undivided attention. Truly, that is all they crave in the world. Of course, it takes a healthy balance to accomplish tasks in the day and spending quality time with your children. Make it a goal to simply spend 30 minutes each day in your kids space. Allow them to make the rules for that time. Maybe it is by wrestling with dad on their bedroom rug. Or maybe playing pretend games in the tree house. Let it be good safe fun with your kids to be connecting with them from a young age to when they get older. Let this be a friendly reminder that laying with your children is being productive. You are raising the next generation to follow the ways of the Lord.

Healthy breaks. Allow time for distractions and small breaks throughout the day. If you try to stay focused for the whole day you eventually will burn out. Allow yourself to take a mental break and not think about your giant list. Give yourself permission to relax.

Read The Word. It really can be this simple. Also, the most important tip in this post(and your entire life). Know the Word of God by listening to the bible and reading it.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night”- Psalms 1:2.

What is the BIGGEST secret to having a productive day?

The biggest secret of having a productive day is to work for the Lord. Imagine looking back say 5 or 10 years from now and to think, “If I would have just done…(fill in the blank) I would been disinclined and further than I am now.” Thinking about your future self and how the smallest of habits will carry you over the years.

This post is all about ways to have a productive day as a homemaker.

Tags: Productive day quotes, how to have a productive day, how to have a productive day when you wake up late, how to have a productive day list, productivity day, productive day routine