How to slowly start becoming a minimalist checklist

How to slowly start becoming a minimalist checklist

Mamma Mia Greens

Part of the becoming a minimalist checklist is to free your mind, your space, and your time with the things that matter to you. With this in mind, the minimalist lifestyle you are imagining might be similar to things suggested on the becoming a minimalist checklist. However, this is a way to be encouraged to live simple. Which will be different for each family. This checklist will be a wonderful start to ditch the chaos and start living simple.

This post is all about becoming a minimalist checklist.

becoming a minimalist checklist

What is the first step in becoming a minimalist?

Minimalism is the concept to live more intentionally by simplicity.

Before you jump into decluttering, organizing, and cleaning it is so important to establish the why as part of the becoming a minimalist checklist. Why are you choosing to make the switch to live minimally? Some might say to have less of a mess. Others might say, they want to make their home easier to manage. Or you can think of the output you want from living minimally. Instead of spending money on coffee on your morning commute, you can save that cash for something more meaningful. For example, better quality shoes, towards a family vacation, use the money to buy a gift for a friends, or towards a special date night.

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There is so much importance to the WHY! To know why is because motivation will not last forever. BUT REALLY!! In most areas in life, if you have goal to work towards. Something has to change to get to where you are dreaming of. As this relates to the question, “What the first step in becoming a minimalist?” To say the least, it is about creating new habits to live more simply day by day.

Start becoming a minimalist checklist

There are seven ideas below on how to slowly start becoming a minimalist checklist. The seven are: create good habits and get rid of bad ones, create a budget, schedule less, establish intentional relationships, have gratitude, declutter, and sabbath. Out of all seven of these it is extremely important to remember they each take time to master. In order to live the lifestyle you desire we must keep in mind. It will not happen over night, but over a longer period of time with these practices. The encouragement to you is take these changes to your lifestyle day by day to get to where you want to be.

Becoming minimalist checklist

Create Good Habits & Get Rid of Bad Ones

Both creating good habits and getting rid of bad ones have their own challenges. To live more simply throughout time is not dependent on motivation. It is dependent on habits. When it comes to minimizing your home we can make small mindless habits to make the space more simple with less clutter. One good habit is by not bring things in your home you don’t need. In a simple, but good habit is when you bring in the mail. On your walk back inside your home trash ads or unwanted mail you won’t need. This way you won’t have a pile of mail tucked away on your kitchen counter. Analyze the habits you currently do well and analyze some of the bad ones.

Good Habits in Minimalism: Buying quality over quantity, decluttering often, put things back after using them, pacing light, etc.

Related Post You May Like: Beginner’s Guide: Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Bad Habits in Minimalism: Over consuming, not having a place for everything, not taking good care of items you currently have, overpacking, etc.

After analyzing your habits, make the change to the habits you would like to add or get rid of.

becoming a minimalist checklist

Create A Budget

Create a budget and stick to it! If you don’t have a budget already they’re some incredible recourse out there that help get your finances in order. Once you have a budget established go through it once or twice a month. See exactly where you are spending your money and where you might need to adjust your priorities. Having a minimalist mindset when it comes to your budget is not that you can never spend money. It is about stewarding well with what you have. A wise person once said, ” When you are buying an item ask yourself if buying this will bring you peace or stress.” This will hep you decide if the item is worth buying in the moment or something you will need to save for. This way of thinking will help you live within your means and not over you means.

Schedule Less

Don’t add as much to your schedule. The hardest part is saying, “no,” especially for you people pleasures out there. Scheduling less should be a priority as you go through the becoming minimalist checklist. The reason why we need to cut back with the schedule as part of minimalism is because our time is valuable. Not because you can’t go have fun. But we have to prioritize where we are scheduling our time. We must put our time where we value the people in front of us and the work at our hands. Even for families this can be possible. Between kids practices, play dates, school events, etc. It is perfectly fine to say no and not have your kid in every activity in the same season. It is even more important to schedule rest.


Rest. This is the whole point of cutting back. Society says that in order to be successful you have to grind. You have to hustle every day. “No days off” attitude. When in reality truth tells us we need to rest. Proven with scripture in Exodus 20:8-11.

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Having rest actually sets us up for success and doesn’t hold us back. We won’t experience burnout because we have sought rest with God. Now that sounds like a win, win!!

becoming a minimalist checklist

Establish Intentional Relationships

We are meant to live to be connected with others. Even within your home. Going back to scheduling time in that we must schedule intentional time with others. The ones we love. Because we are aiming to live a life of intentionality.

Do you want to be a better parent? Do you want to have closer friends than beat around the bush with small talk? Then this is great way to live more intentionally. Because your schedule isn’t so busy. You have more clarity within your mind and schedule. You will begin to see how to love the people around you better. Learn their love language and show them love the way they receive it.

Have Gratitude

Are you an over-thinker? Or just a mom(lol me)? As a mom, my brain is FILLED with constant list after list, from one thing to the next. You might be a business owner or leader with lots of tasks. Our brains NEED a break. A way to minimize overthinking or mental burnout is to intentionally practice gratitude. This might be a practice you’e heard of doing. But, have you actually practiced it? Grab a journal or the notes page on your phone. Make a small habit of this each day. It can be simple. WRITE ONE THING. One thing that you are grateful for in that day. Even in the hard days we can all think of jut one. Having graduate and a positive mindset will set your life up to be filled with joy. Positive thinking can change the out look on life by living more intentionally in doing this practice.

Related Post You May Like: 6 Simple Ways To Become A Minimalist With Kids


Lastly, We OBVIOUSLY have to declutter and minimize the possessions that we have. This is probably what you thought this whole post would be about. Which it is! But not just with our materials. It is all about living a simple life and being more intentional. If we have a bunch of things that have little value or significance. It is probably a good idea to sell, donate, or get rid of the item. Having too many things makes it hard to manage the home and kinda pointless. Living with fewer items can make clean up time faster and make less of a mess. Decluttering your physical space is also beneficial to your mental space. Again, minimalism doesn’t have to be to an extreme. Unless you want it to be. Minimize to whatever works for you and your family. Don’t know how to get started with decluttering? Checkout the simplifying home 21 day challenge.

Mamma Mia Greens is all about inspiring you to be in a relationship with Jesus. If you are a mom who desires to honor God day in and day out by washing dishes, cleaning, decluttering, and organizing, productivity, then I would love for you to follow along for more content. Doing the duties of motherhood is an act of worship in serving our Lord. My prayer is that you felt encouraged and inspired to start becoming a minimalist with this checklist and start living more intentionally.

This post is all about becoming a minimalist checklist.