How to Master Your Bedtime Routine For Adults

How to Master Your Bedtime Routine For Adults

Mamma Mia Greens

Sleeping tips to improve your adult bedtime routines are necessary to live with energy. This post is all about the best steps to take when establishing your bedtime routine for adults.

night time routine for success

As a mom with littles, I desperately needed to find the best bedtime routine. Since my baby would always wake up in the night I would often find myself on my phone scrolling until they fell back asleep.

My sleep routine was very poor and needed to learn how to set myself up for a good night of sleep when I finally would get to sleep again. As a young adult, this routine will be a lifesaver and a crucial part of having a successful day.

Creating a good sleeping routine is extremely important to your over health and well-being. You will get my simple bedtime routine for adults checklist that will be something you look forward to every night before you catch your z’s.

This post is all about how to have the best bedtime routine for adults.

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What is a good sleep schedule?

A good sleep schedule all depends on the right schedule for you. Ideally sleeping 7-9 hours is the right amount of sleep. It depends on your personal work schedule, if you have kids, etc. But the most important part of establishing a good sleep schedule comes down to consistency. Regularly, going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day will be the key to getting good sleep to give you the energy you need.

Why is a bedtime routine important for adults?

Sleep is so important for overall health and well-being. Getting good sleep with be useful for a person’s mood, stress levels, productivity, energy, and more. Getting the proper rest at night will help you function better during the day. Again, being consistent in your bedtime routine for adults is great as you age to have energy for more in your day.

bedtime routine for adults

Best Bedtime Routine for Adults:

  1. Get off your screen. Approximately one hour before you plan to go to bed get off your phone, turn off the TV, etc. Allowing your brain and eyes to rest from the blue light before bed can be beneficial to your health as you establish a soothing bedtime routine.
  2. Prepare for the next day. To prepare for a productive next day will always start the night before. Something you can do is a quick tidy-up of your space. For example, load and start the dishwasher, prepare your lunch for the next day(if you are on the go), lay out your clothes, pack your bag, etc.
  3. Hygine. Wash your face from any dirt, oil, or makeup. This is beneficial for your skin to be clean for long hours during sleep. While you are already at the sink brush and floss your teeth.
  4. Change clothes. It’s time to get comfy into soft or silky pajamas. It’s the perfect way to relax as you create this aspect into your bedtime routine as an adult.
  5. Read. Grab one of your favorite books and read to help calm your body before you fall asleep. Aim to read for about 15 minutes- 30 minutes or approximately 10 pages. This is a great way to accomplish any reading goals you have by simply spending the last few moments of your day in this way.
  6. Phone placement. Place your phone across your room on the charger or in a different room. For example, you can place your phone on your dresser. Or like me, I have my phone in the master bathroom. This is for a few different reasons like to prevent looking at the screen through the night, prevent hearing the noise of notifications, blue light, and to avoid snoozing the alarm. Having your phone be across the room helps to get right out of bed in the morning to turn the alarm off and start the day.
  7. Pray. Allow the last thoughts on your mind to give gratitude and thanksgiving to Jesus. If you have breathe in your lungs you have something to be grateful for. Don’t know what to pray? Start pray about thanking Jesus for the day you had. You can pray scripture. For God’s will to be done. Ending your day with prayer will give you sweet peace as the day comes to a close. Especially for people who would like to learn how to sleep better with anxiety. This is a great scripture to pray, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:6-7.

Mastering a bedtime routine does not have to be stressful. You don’t have to be perfect at it each time. Pro tip: start with only one of these habits on the listed above. By starting with one you will be better to get in the habit of being consistent than trying to master all of the routine with all of them. Slowly add in a new task before bed and before you know it you have mastered your bedtime routine.

This post is all about bedtime routines for adults.