How To Find An Incredible Christian Mom Group

How To Find An Incredible Christian Mom Group

Mamma Mia Greens

Are you wanting to join a Christian mom group? Being part of a Christian mom group has been some of the most refreshing things I need most in my week. Joining small groups is wonderful for moms to connect with other moms. We are social beings and are meant to be connected to each other. Yes, being social not just through the phone glued to our faced through social media. Following people on Instagram and TikTok won’t give you the satisfaction that your soul desperately needs. We need to be face to face and build friendships with the people God has placed right next to us. Being part of small groups other wise known as “life groups” are a great way for us as believers in Jesus to create community and partner with one another. In christian mom groups we get to keep each other accountable, help one another, pray for one another and joyfully serve God together.

However, sometimes it can be hard to find the right group of people who understand you. Before you jump too quickly into a group there are some things you must do to find the best group for you.

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Christian mom group ideas
A group of young women bow their heads and pray with bibles at their Christian mom group.

5 Tips for Finding the Best Christian Mom Group

These five tips will be a helpful tool for finding the best Christian mom group for you. Regardless, of the season of motherhood you are in, there are groups out there for you. Before, you jump too quickly into joining a group there are a few things I suggest you do before you start your search. There are so many different kinds of groups we can possibly join. Fitness groups, fellowship groups, serving groups, also depends on the church you go. I suggest before finding the right group is to find the right Church you plan on attending. Finding a church that you like and go regularly and plant yourself there. Plant yourself (point number two we will get there shortly).

Tip #1 First Pray

Praying about the Christian mom group you’re thinking about joining is the BEST first step. We should be prayerful to God and seek what he is wanting for us. Ultimately, Jesus is who we should be seeking so we should ask him first before we jump in. If you are looking for some good questions to ask when praying here are a few: What kind of group do you want me to be part of? Do you want me to join a focused bible study or more of a relaxed hangout group?

It is good to analyze what you are in need of. Back when I was in graduate school, I worked part-time in ministry. At this time of my life, because of being in ministry and mentoring younger college students, it was important for me to learn about leading people because I wanted to be an effective mentor. The group I joined was a group of women who were a few seasons of life ahead of me(aka a nice way to say older than me lol). These women provided an incredible amount of spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Proverbs 13:10 says, “Wisdom opens your heart to receive wise counsel.”

Each time the group met I wanted to be a sponge. I wanted to soak up as much sweet wisdom and counsel as I could so I could effectively lead the ladies I mentored one from wise counsel and from my growing relationship with Jesus.

Just like in that time God answered my prayer and had me in the right place. He can and will do that for you too. Seek him first and he will guide your steps.

Tip#2 Plant Yourself

Plant yourself. In other words, stick around for a while. We have to be honest, it can be easy to judge a group the first time you go. We (as in me) can be be so picky to pick a group apart of why we didn’t like it. “Well, they didn’t serve the coffee I like.” “I didn’t like the worship time we had.” “The location is five mins longer than I want to drive.” We can easily find something “wrong” with a group. But maybe we are called to be in a group of people that don’t look like us. Maybe you are called to be in a group with people that have some similarities but are also different.

Plant yourself in a Christian Mom group for at least three months but ideally would be for a whole semester. You want to plant yourself and settle down in a group to build relationships with people. Stick around to go through a study and see what God wants to show/teach you in this season. Just like anything in life there are highs and lows. Good and bad times. There will not be a perfect group but there can be one that is perfectly imperfect for you.

Of course, you need to have discernment and prayer for the group you are going to attend. If you show up for two or three times and the ladies are mean, or gossiping about their husbands, and each time you leave you’re feeling far from encouraged or comforted then it’s okay to find a new group. The reference to plant yourself is to not be one and done with a group. It would take an eternity to find the right group if you are constantly group hoping. Be sure to plant yourself and be hopeful for great things to come out of the Christian mom group.

Tip#3 Be Intentional

Show up. Even when you don’t feel like it. The enemy will be telling you lies, or sometimes it will feel like you all of a sudden don’t want to go or you will wake up late. However, it is so important to keep going. Prepare yourself when it is time to go to the group. If you are bringing your kids to the childcare, be sure to have the snacks and bags packed the night before so you don’t feel rushed in the morning. You don’t want to be anxious or feel rushed so being prepared before you go will be extremely helpful to you.

Being intentional doesn’t have to be overwhelming or a lot of work when you join a Christian mom group. Think back to the reasons why you are joining the group. Are you trying to make friends? Ask a question to get the know them.

Being present in conversations when you are there. It can be so easy to think about the to do lists and agendas after the Christian mom group is over. Be present with the people in front of you so the time is not wasted.

Christian mom group ideas
Ladies talking at Christian mom group

Tip#4 Serve

Think about the ladies around you. Speaking from my own experience. I have found myself trying to capture my own needs than looking to the needs of others. Sometimes I would find myself search for others to look to help me first. But really we are called to love God and love people. Through doing those two things I have found my needs are being met because I would desire and am be more dependent on the Holy Spirit. In encouragement to you mom, that serving other moms around you can be uplifting to you as well.

Serving another moms doesn’t have to be done in only extravagant ways but it can be done in small ways. As you get to know people in your group you start to build friendships. You can bring a handwritten note of encouragement to a friend you made or to the leaders of the group. If you are good at baking you can bring some homemade cookies to the group to share while you meet. Love people with the skills God has given you. You don’t have to try so hard, Mama! Just be you.

Serving the people in your group is to be loving towards God people like we are called to do. Serving them is not a way to be accepted or to get something in return. Simply being obedient to God and serve his people in your journey to find a good Christian mom group.

Tip#5 Evaluate

Once you have been been planted in your group for a while. Whether if you were there for a semester, three months, or for a series of lessons. It is time to evaluate your time with the group. Did you feel refreshed in some way? Did you feel encouraged? Was the fellowship nice? This is not a time to pick the group to pieces. It is to evaluate if the group was good for you. Of course, you are not married to the group but can make a decision if you would like to continue coming or find a better fit elsewhere. Now is the perfect time to evaluate your experience. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Did I feel uplifted by this group?
  • Was I challenged?
  • Did my relationship with God grow closer?
  • Did I enjoy and commit to serving God’s people?
  • Was the group a safe space to open up and be vulnerable?

Now is the time to determine if you want to continue in the group or find a new group. Don’t worry you don’t have to burn any bridges in the process if you decide to part ways. You can kindly say that you’re looking for a group that fits the season you’re in currently. No hard feelings. Wish them well and move on.

Where do I find a Christian mom group?

Finding the best Christian mom group for you consists of praying, planting yourself, being intentional, serving people in the group, and then evaluate your group. Now that we not how to find a good group the next question is where? Where to find a good Christian mom group can be the hard part. The first place to look is at your local church. Big churches tend to have more groups. However, if you don’t find the group you are looking for you can pray and see if you should be the one to start the group.

Next place to look is through Facebook groups for your area. There are so many different types of groups for mom near or in the city you live in. Community groups are wonderful. Especially if you live in a big city where it can take a while to get places. So to find groups close for your benefit and for making new friends in the group so you can hangout outside of group times. I would even check mom groups for moms at the schools that your kids attend.

Again, be committed. If you want to see results in your life then be consistent and commit. Scripture tells us in Matthew 5:37, “But let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. For whatever is more than these is the evil one.” Commitment is huge and will help you in your relationship with the Lord and others. Of course you want to have discernment and find the best group for you. I am praying for you and that you find the best Christian mom group that is best for the season you are in. Happy searching.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open to you."

Matthew 7:7.

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