Beginner’s Guide: Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Beginner's Guide: Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Mamma Mia Greens

Daily habits to improve your life mean you need to be consistent. Good things don’t just happen overnight. At least, not in most cases. It is time to gain control of your life by creating the practice of forming new good habits. Now is the time to create habits that will become like second nature to you. This is the ultimate beginner’s guide for daily habits to improve your life. There are 10 good habits you need to implement to change the course of your life if you choose to take the challenge to live your best life.

This post is all about daily habits to improve your life.

daily habits to improve your life

Habits change the way we do our life. Of course, it will be extremely hard to change your life overnight. But taking these steps one by one will help you to see that habits are formed day by day. To be honest, if we tried to change ALL of our habits at once it would be extremely hard to change. If it was easy everyone would do it. In reality, good things take time. There is an internal reward for taking care of your body, mind, soul and spirit with these practices. If you were to change everything you were doing and start all of these habits at once you would get burnt out. Creating a habit takes approximately 70 days!

With this in mind. Attempt just one habit to start trying. You want to nail down this habit before moving on to the next change in your life you want to see. An in-depth book on how to create good habits and stop bad ones one of the best books on this topic is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Another great read with a biblical perspective is The Power to Change: Mastering Habits That Matter Most by Craig Grosechel.

daily habits to improve your life

What Are 10 Good Habits?

#1. Pray

Have you every heard someone say there is power in prayer? Whelp. It is true. To pray is not to just a check on the to do list kind of habit. The habit to pray is the habit to be connected to God in your life. A great way to start a daily habit to improve your life is through praying in the morning. Tomorrow when you wake up or when you go to sleep tonight pray as you brush your teeth. I guess we have to make sure you brush your teeth in the morning and at night ;). Use those two minutes to pray to God, come to him with Thanksgiving. Let him know how grateful you are for the life you have. You can thank him for clothes on your back, breathe in your lungs, a roof over your head, or for a meal to eat. Talk to God about anything and everything.

“Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:17-18.

Creating this daily habit will be a way to be connected with the God of the universe who brings peace in all life situations. It is a gift to be connected to him with prayer.

#2. Get in the Word

Get in the Word! What do you mean? This means take time to open up your bible or bible app on your phone and read. This is to encourage you throughout your day. The bible is filled with encouragement, wisdom, knowledge and instruction for your life. But for your life to be transformed by the living God is by getting to know who he is by reading scripture. Maybe this habit is a new one for you. But day after day you will desire to spend this time with God. Honestly, it is an act of spiritual discipline. At first, it might be hard can be hard to make consistent time for this. Start with a goal of 10 mins of reading a day.

#3. Drink Water

Drink more water!! We might fill up on sodas, teas, and coffee. Did you know you naturally wake up dehydrated? A great way to get hydrated as you start your day is to drink a glass of water right when you wake up. Yes, before coffee. After your morning cup of water try to drink more water than other drinks that are filled with sugar, artificial flavors, and food coloring dies.

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#4. Limit Screen Time

You life will literally change if you don’t spend as much time on a screen. Yes, most of us spend our day working from a screen it can be draining. For those of you who spend your day in front of a computer screen or you might work in social media. This daily habit to improve your life will be the best thing you can do for yourself. The most easy way to limit screen time for beginners is to not use your phone for the first hour of the day. Just one hour! Turn your alarm clock off in the morning and leave that phone on the darn charger!! You will be shocked on how your mood will change, you won’t feel like a zombie if you get sucked into scrolling the first few moments of waking up. When you take this first hour to yourself to complete the morning routine you enjoy and before you get in zone of replying to work emails. Spend that first hour of your day doing something small you enjoy or work on the goals you want to achieve. Once you have mastered no phone rule for the first hour of your day attempt to end your day an hour before going to sleep with no screen time. Ps. This will also help your sleep.

daily habits to improve your life

#5. Daily Movement

To be motivated everyday to workout is not realistic. Honestly, it’s even harder if you don’t enjoy going to the gym. A way to keep your body healthy is to get some daily movement in. Even if you don’t go to the gym and make it an “official workout”. Take breaks at work for a walk for 10-15 mins do this twice daily. If you can manage to do this on your lunch break for some fresh air do it. A great habit is to move your body for about 30 mins daily.

Daily movement can be done in numerous ways. The most important thing is to find something you love to do. It could be playing basketball, soccer, tennis, pickle ball, walking, weightlifting, CrossFit, or group fitness classes. There are so many ways to get your body moving and it will boost your mood.

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#6. Sleep

Sleep. Don’t you feel like you can never get enough sleep? If you are a mom with a baby, I feel your pain. You will get to sleep again soon so give yourself some grace. Experts say an adult should average to get 7-9 hours a sleep a day. Help your body get used to sleep by waking up and going to bed at the same time each day. Once this is a habit your body will naturally begin to wake up and ready to go to sleep at these times.

#7. Healthy Eating

Ditch the diet culture and start making healthier eating habits. It should be a rare occasion to have fried food, sugar-filled desserts, sodas, and all the food that is not so good for our bodies. Most things you can create a deliciously healthy version of it. Start you healthy eating lifestyle change to the first meal of the day. Once you have nailed down a consent healthy breakfast, then move on to a constantly healthy lunch then dinner and then to snacks. Before you know it you will consider yourself someone who eats healthy.

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daily habits to improve your life

#8 Clear Your Space

Clear and clean your space. If your home is filled with clutter so is your brain. Clear your space to help yourself to be organized and be more prepared for things you have going on in your life. Start by cleaning and decluttering your main space. This can be your living room, kitchen, or bedroom. Overtime, you should clear out unnecessary items in each room to clear your space.

#9. Connect With Others

We are not meant to live in isolation. Make it a daily habit to improve your life to consistently meet with people. This doesn’t mean to rely on one person to meet this need but to get connected in groups, volunteer events, or constant face to face interaction with people each week. These groups of people should be for you to be lifted up and feel encouraged. Connect with others outside of work or your home. A book called Find Your People by Jennie Allen is an incredible resource to find a great group of friends.

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#10. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude will allow you to switch your perspective to the attitude of thanksgiving. We are given more than enough in this world. It is a great practice to meditate through writing, journaling, speaking, and praying. Take this habit as a way to lighten your spirit.

daily habits to improve your life

Mamma Mia Greens is all about inspiring you to be in a relationship with Jesus. If you are a mom who desires to honor God day in and day out by washing dishes, cleaning, decluttering, and organizing, productivity, then I would love for you to follow along for more content. Doing the duties of motherhood is an act of worship in serving our Lord. If you felt encouraged and inspired to pick up one of these daily habits to improve your life. Let me know which habit you want to master first.

This post is all about daily habits to improve your life.

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