First Time Mom Advice to Inspire You To Be The Best Mom

First Time Mom Advice to Inspire You To Be The Best Mom

Mamma Mia Greens

Welcome to Motherhood, the time where you are probably in desperate need of first time mom advice. It is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience. While at the same time you will experience something so beautiful it can be one of the most challenging times you can experience as well. During pregnancy most women are lead to focus on the growth of the baby and preparing all the cute things. Well of course that is normal and exciting(As it should be). While I enjoyed my pregnancy, if I were to have a redo for the first time the most important part was how to cope in the fourth trimester and through the remainder of the postpartum period. Come read along to gain the BEST first time mom advice.

This post is all about first time mom advice.

first time mom advice

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What do first time moms struggle with?

As a first time mom, I understand the struggles you may be facing in the first 6 months- 1 year as you adjust to being a mother. Motherhood is a blessing not a burden. In this blessing we will always be learning to seek and to be equipped for the months ahead in motherhood. Seeking first time mom advice could be in these the areas could challenge you emotionally, physically, mentally, and in some cases the struggle of the relationships with those around you may change. You may even be struggling to find new people who you can relate with as a first time mom. Each of the tips below are to give you a heads up and advice I wish I would have known about when taking this adjustment of adding a little human.

Did you know that it takes about 3 years for a mother’s hormones post-birth delivery to get back to normal? With this information, we can see the explanation of the possible mood swings and emotions. Even though you might be struggling in some ways as a new mother. You can be feeling overwhelmed in the chaos but be able to rejoice in the beautiful moments of holding your newborn baby. So many beautiful pictures to take and high and low seasons ahead. Motherhood is a marathon filled with highs and lows.

Helpful First Time Mom Advice

Focus on Postpartum

Focus on your recovery and the sweet baby snuggles and as always sleep when you can. Your body just went through nine months of hard work plus the delivery. Take it slow and be home for a while if you can. Postpartum can bring lots of emotions. It is so important to keep your wellness in mind. Yes, you may be lacking sleep and movement might be slow for now. During this time is a great time to focus on your nutrition(not talking the baby weight). Focusing on your nutrition is extremely crucial because if you choose to breastfeed you are fueling another human multiple hours a day. Along with having energy to be awake with little to no sleep. Having healthy snacks was life saver for me. Along with lactation boosting meals to boost milk supply.

While pregnant you might hear or read about postpartum depression(PPD) or postpartum anxiety(PPA). Both of these or very normal for mothers to talk through regardless of how many children you have. Being aware of the effects of PPD and PPA will be helpful as you enter your motherhood journey as well when to seek help and take action. Postpartum is similar to some women and can be completely different to others. Regardless, seek further assistance to with your physician if needed. I pray these other tips will be a useful tool for you as the first time mom advice.

first time mom checklist

Get Out of Isolation

If you are a stay-at-home mom you can relate to this too well. “Mom you,” will be different than the “you,” you used to be. It is not a bad thing, just different. If you are transitioning to being a stay at home mom(like I did) you have learned to be intentional when getting out of the house to meet with friends and family.

You might not have someone who lives close to you or who is available during the workday to accompany you. Some first-time mom advice would be to schedule weekly outings. These outings depend on the eagerness to be around people or if you are more of an introvert it might only be once a week. Figure out how many outings work for you per week. Pro tip is to make a plan of when you are making these outings. Some outings can be simply going to a grocery store, getting coffee, going to the park, going on a walk at your favorite mall, etc. Keep in mind that outings can be affordable and free if you make it that way. Walking around Target is always a fun outing. However, if you are on a tight budget(we have been there) then maybe going to target might be too tempting to purchase something when in this season is not a good idea. Finding other places to safely get out of the house and free your mind from the walls from your home is refreshing.

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Turn Up The Communication

Ongoing communication with your spouse needs to in tune. This time frame could be a huge transition for whether you are a stay a home mom, working mom, or stay-at-home/work-from-home mom. No matter how the transition will look the communication will need to be bumped up to get on the same page.

Good communication with your spouse will be clear the air between the both of you. For first time mom advice, communicate with your spouse about specific topics before or soon after the baby arrives. Specific topics to discuss are birth plans, screen time, parenting styles, will you both be up to care for the baby at night? Financial planning, me time in motherhood and in fatherhood, who will be cooking and cleaning and a conversation about visitors once the baby arrives.

As a couple, discussing these topics can help bond the family together and to be in unity. Yes, there will be mountains and valleys in your marriage. However, when you discuss these topics upfront you will be able to be upfront about your expectations when navigating this new area of life.

Call On A Friend

We all need friends(duh, obviously). We need friends that will comfort us in our time of need. We need friends that will just listen and trust. There will be times when you get overwhelmed as a mom and need girl time instead of baby talk all day. There will be days when you will feel lonely(especially if you don’t have much help or have family that live near). Calling a friend is always refreshing. Schedule a phone call as you go on a walk with the baby. Make this a new habit to do a couple times a week. Or if you are a very extroverted a person this could be added to your everyday routine.

Calling a friend is a similar tip to getting out of isolation(like I mentioned earlier). We are made to live in a community and help each other out. Being intentional in this area can be extremely beneficial as a first time mom and for your overall health when connecting well with others.

Let Down Your Expectation

You already know where this is going. We can easily have high expectations and imagine how life will be like in a “perfect world.” When in real life will NEVER be perfect. Through my experience, I thought I could manage to have the perfectly aesthetic home that was always clean while casually taking care of the baby while you manage cooking, gardening, have the most healthy and adventurous life style. I am not saying you wont or you can’t(You most definitely can) but we might be creating a high expectation in our mind that will end up not looking like this. To let down the expectation is to also recognizing you will not have the capacity to complete all the things in one day. There is no problem with that. You are just getting in full swing as a new parent and gain a new routine.

You might feel like you have to get everything done. But I always, always have to remind myself to slow down. You be a productive mom and present with your baby. It is okay if you have a mess in the house. Eventually, you will have it cleaned. I am always reminded with my baby that he is only little once. Yes, there are things that need to get done but to find a balance of snuggling with the baby, on the floor with play time and the responsibilities that are in hand.

Find An Outlet

Being a mom is a special gift. We as mothers can forget that we are first daughters, wives, friends, aunts, etc. If you choose to accept Jesus as your Lord in savor then, your identity has been secured in Jesus Christ. This is extremely important to recognize and live by. As mothers by nature, we seek to care for our babies but neglect our individual lives apart from it. You must find a space that is for you as a woman. Maybe that space for you is working out, writing, painting, knitting, etc. I encourage you to be creative and to still use the gifting whom God has given you.

If you are having trouble finding an outlet for you to be creative this can be a chance to try something new. For me it is writing(hints this is why I am writing to you now). It has become a free space to let your thought out of your mind and digitally put them on paper. Writing through Bluehost is an easy way to get started on your website.

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first time mom pregnancy

Schedule Time Away For Yourself

Once you start to get into the new rhythm it is essential to still do things you enjoy besides being a mother. This will be comforting in this new transition of adding a tiny, sweet little human to care for. If your outlet is getting coffee or walking with a friend then it is great to still be intentional and schedule time(s) to get out of the house each week. By adding me time to your schedule can be a refreshing time to prevent parental burnout. Me time can be at time to sit in your car alone for some peace and quiet or it can be spent with friends in fellowship. Regardless of how your me time will look it needs to be added to your schedule to keep you sain. This is not just for mothers but for also for fathers too.

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These tips have been so helpful when it comes to being a mom who wants to be the best you can be. I hope you have found these tips helpful as you walk into motherhood. Being a mom is a huge blessing. We never know what the day holds but we as women can trust in God in all things. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6.

If you have found this post helpful to you I always appreciate it when people share and follow along for more content on my Instagram page. If you are looking for a mom online community we have an exclusive Mamma Mia Greens Facebook Group to encourage and pray for one another.

This post is all about first time mom advice.

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