9 House Cleaning Hacks To Make Cleaning Easy

9 House Cleaning Hacks To Make Cleaning Easy

Mamma Mia Greens

These house cleaning hacks are designed to help you and your family function better. Why stress about all things you need to do or take up an entire Sunday to clean the house? This post will show you ways to clean throughout the week and simple hacks to make cleaning a little simpler and save you time. Be encouraged by these 9 house cleaning hacks that you can’t live without.

This post is all about house cleaning hacks.

house cleaning hacks

How Do I Clean My House Like A Professional Cleaner?

Want to make your home look like a professional cleaned it? Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be a huge event that will take hours and hours. You can easily simply your home and create small habits that will keep your home clean all week. Most people do not have the time between work, kids’ activities, side gigs, cooking, and all the extra things life throws at you.

To start with the idea of making your house look like a professional cleaner is to let down your expectation. Yup, you read that right. It is the idea that your home will not going to look perfect. There will always be something to change, update, or things you see on social media that make you feel as if you need to change things. It can be easy to compare your home or others by the how clean it may appear. The encouragement to you is to let down your expectation of having a perfect home and change your perspective to living simple with the following 9 House Cleaning Hacks.

9 House Cleaning Hacks

#1. Create A Cleaning Schedule

One of the best house cleaning hacks is to create a cleaning schedule. When you have a plan and stick with it. It will soon become a mindless habit. Creating a cleaning schedule is helpful for the whole family to function better. The family will know the tasks that need to be done on the correct day. This allows everyone to be on the same page to spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the time on their hands.

You might be thinking, “I can’t just clean my kitchen once a week.” I agree, you should probably pick up after the mess after cooking. The cleaning schedule is designed to focus on the details of deep cleaning. One part of the cleaning schedule can have a list of daily tasks. While another part will have weekly and monthly tasks.

Daily tasks can include load and start the dishwasher every night, take the trash out, complete one load of laundry(wash, dry, AND, fold).

Weekly tasks can include vacuuming the house(maybe twice a week or more if you have pets as I do), cleaning the bathroom, dusting, cleaning out the refrigerator of old food etc.

Monthly Tasks can include clean the oven, dust off ceiling fans, clean baseboards, etc.

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#2. Declutter Because Less Is More

If you have tons of clutter in your home it can be overwhelming to function and you could be cleaning up the same mess over and over again. If you have less stuff in the house that means less stuff to clean. Add one space that needs to be decluttered to your weekly cleaning schedule. If you are able to clean out a couple different spaces a week. You will slowly but surely get rid of the clutter before you realize it. Start with the kitchen junk drawer and make your way room by room throughout your home.

house cleaning hacks

#3. One Load of Laundry A Day

One Load at a time is SO much better than having a daunting pile of clothes by the end of the week. This is extremely helpful to the moms out there with lots of kids. Start a load in the morning and set a timer to change it out. Make a commitment to fold the clothes and put them away by the time you go to bed. If you do one a day the loads will be smaller and not take you that much time. Make it more enjoyable as you listen to your favorite podcast or watch your Netflix Show.

#4. Donation Bucket vs. Resell Bucket

Yup, as easy as it sounds. Grab yourself two buckets. Label one donate and the other resell. We all know there are some things in your home that have high value that you are not using. If you know you can resell it then do it. If not put it to goodwill. The best way to minimize your home can simply be done with these two buckets. Grab these two bucks as you go through each room to declutter and get organized. It is advised to do this every season(four times a year). Especially, clothes you did not wear in the past season.

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#5. Have A Place For Everything

There should be a place for everything in your home otherwise you will end up having more junk drawers, cabinets, and closets. You might have organized chaos. However, having things organized will come in handy when life gets busy. Just think if there was an emergency and someone else had to come in your home and find a specific file or item. Would you have the place organized even where people can not see.

A house cleaning hack to have a place for everything is very practical and it is to buy organizational bins. The price of organizational bins can get expensive so take it one room at a time. But in the mean time DIY your space is a very affordable option with shelf dividers and old boxes. The next step is to label each and every box. For a more aesthetic organization a printing label for all of the storage bins. A more affordable option is the painters tape and a sharpie.

house cleaning hacks

#6. Steam Microwave for A Faster Cleaning

Have you ever scrubbed at your microwave for quite some time to get the splattered food out? Same. The most genius hack is to fill a mug with water and set the microwave for 3 minutes – 5 minutes. The steam will make the leftover food wipe right out and less time to scrub.

#7. Socks To Clean Blinds

This is where all the missing socks go! For the socks that you can not find it’s pair or old socks with holes. They can turn into cleaning socks. Make a sock puppet with your hand and quickly clean your blinds from all the dust.

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#8. Use Old Pillowcases To Clean Ceiling Fans

Don’t want to make a mess with the dust on your ceiling fan? Grab an old pillowcase. Open it up and pull it around one wing of the fan. Once it is covered slide the pillowcase from the center of the fan wing to the end. The dust will collect in the pillowcase.

house cleaning hacks

#9. White Distilled Vinegar & Baking Soda Are Your Best Friends

Do I have any non-toxic cleaning Mamas reading along? Yes, white distilled vinegar and baking soda are easy nontoxic cleaning swaps. Instead of using bleach and strong toxic products, these two products can be used in multiple ways. Switching to non-toxic cleaning supplies can be pricing. Take the transition slowly and look into natural products for cleaning.

White distilled vinegar and baking soda paired together can be useful in multiple ways. Commonly known to strengthen towels when washed, deep clean the dishwasher, unclog the drain, clean the kitchen sink, deodorize a toilet, and many more ways.

Deep Cleaning Hacks Made Possible

To have a clean home with kids is definitely possible. Of course, your house will not be spotless all the time. But when messes are made taking some of these steps will be helpful as you clean your home in the deepest and messiest places within. By having less “things” will make cleaning so much easier. By having less possession you will start to realize the importance in the relationships around you rather than the stuff that fills your home(including electronics). “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:19-21.

If you have found the information helpful to you in this post. I would love to hear your response as you create a comfortable simple life with your family. Let me know if you read this post by sharing or messaging me on the Mamma Mia Greens Instagram page. 

This post is all about house cleaning hacks.

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