How To Become A Minimalist Woman: Avoid & Seek

How To Become A Minimalist Woman: Avoid & Seek

Mamma Mia Greens

Now is the time to redirect your life to learn how to become a minimalist woman. The tips in this post are intended to help you live a life that makes you happy and to glorify God. As a woman it is easy to compare ourselves to other women. In small ways, we are being influenced to make decisions, buy products, and present ourselves to be a certain way. Because it is so easy to pick up habits from women around us we must be cautious of the women we choose to surround ourselves with.

How to become a minimalist woman is more than decluttering physical products. It starts with the mental capacity to what really matters to you as a woman. We must simplify our lives and be intentional in so many ways. This post shares ways how to become a minimalist woman.

This post is all about how to become a minimalist woman.

how to become a minimalist woman

How do I change my lifestyle to be minimalist?

If you want to change your lifestyle. It is extremely important to start with evaluating your current one. Ask yourself types of questions like: How do you want to feel? Where is your chaos coming from? If I can change one thing I did today that would make my life simpler, what would it be?

All of these questions are geared toward helping you to live a happier lifestyle for and what truly matters to you. To simple answer the question, “how do I change my lifestyle to be a minimalist?” In a simple answer, it is to change your habits. As a female we can be tempted in different ways of consumption. Here are the tips on things to avoid and what to seek when becoming a minimalist female.

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how to become a minimalist woman

How to become a minimalist women: AVOID and SEEK

It can be easy to think that we will have different results by doing the same thing over and over again. We must change our habits for the better and learn what needs to stop and gain the needs to be sought.

Below you will see in red what to avoid and in green how to implement in your journey to become a minimalist woman.

Avoid Toxic Mindset

The toxic mindset is a dangerous place to be. We all have at least one friend that constantly complains. You might even catch yourself being quick to snap or complain. If you want to increase your quality of life it is extremely crucial to take take your thoughts captive and be willing to stop the negative mindset and seek a positive mentality.

Seek Positive Mindset

Instead seek a more positive mindset. No-one wakes up in the morning and intentionally begins their day wanting to be negative. It is a practice to be positive. Create small habits throughout your day for positive moments.

As a mother, it can be hard to be positive right when I wake up in the morning because I have a baby who wakes up multiple times a night. Unfortunalty, I tend to wake up later than I planned. Instead of having a negative mindset. I have to speak out loud that today is going to be a great day. I have to renew my mind to think in a positive mindset. Your mind is extremely powerful. No matter what direction your life takes you have the opportunity take control of your thoughts.

These thoughts can feel like a snowball effect. If its going to build off each other might as well choose happier thought than building on negative ones.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” -Philippians 4:8

how to become a minimalist woman

Avoid Product Hauls

The phrase, “product haul” easily reminds me of almost every influencer’s Instagram story or YouTube Vlog channel. Buying many products at once is not always bad. However, if the habit is created oftentimes unnecessary purchases happen. Avoiding this habit will help with not over consuming so many things at once.

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Seek Product Necessities

Instead of product hauls seek product necessities. Ask yourself, “Do I really want it or just because there is a sale?” Seeking to buy products this way helps influence intentional living in the concept of minimalism. It is not bad to have wants or desire new things. We will appreciate the things we want more when it’s of better quality, have high value, and will last over time. We also value the things when we take care of them properly.

So, next time you want make a purchase. I suggest thinking about it for a few days(at least 24 hours) before making a spontaneous decision that you might regret. You want the items you buy to give you peace and not fill your space with to stress you out.

Avoid Overspending

Avoid overspending. This can be one of the biggest challenges when learning how to become a minimalist woman. Think about it. Nail appointments, lash appoints, hair color, new clothes, make up, etc. That is just on appearance. Think about all the other things we like as females. When becoming a minimalist female some things need to be cut back. Once again it is not bad to want these things but as a female we need to avoid spending over what we can budget. In fact, you need a budget if you don’t have one.

Seek Good Stewardship

Instead of overspending seek good stewardship. Seek the simple lifestyle and prioritize your money. Of course you can enjoy the things you like. Of course it needs to be in moderation.

There are so many resources out there about how to seek good financial stewardship. Dave Ramsey has some spectacular resources on getting out of debt. If you want to learn about generosity and also about being a good steward The Blessed Life by Robert Morris will forever get you excited about being a blessing to others(well it did the trick for me).

Avoid Clutter

Avoid cluttered spaces! Mornings when you wake up late and leave the bathroom a disaster. Make up is everywhere and you ran out the door with a messy kitchen. Always being in a rush can easily be the start to collecting and cluttering your space within seconds. Clutter seems to creep in when you don’t have a place for everything.

Seek A Clear Space

Instead of collecting items on the counter tops, seek a clear space by putting items back after you use them. Okay, yes this is so simple. But I am extremity guilty of not doing this. Truly, I had to develop the habit of putting items back right after I use them. Seeking a clear space will help you keep order and create an organized space. Stick to an organized system to avoid the clutter and clear counter spaces.

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Avoid The Gossip

Avoid gossip. Sometimes this can be difficult when you have friends that gossip about other women, their husbands, or put down others. Gossip brings stress to your body and is mentally draining. In the concept of minimalism is also heavily involved in our mental capacity and our thoughts. To live a more simple and a happier lifestyle is by living a life of good conversations and that brings glory to God.

how to become a minimalist woman

Seek Fruitful Relationships

Instead of participating in gossip connect with others in fruitful relationships. Don’t you just love when you find a good friend who is your cheerleader? Instead of getting jealous when something amazing happens. It is also a great practice to try for yourself to lift up other people who talk to. Choosing to change your ways is not always easy. Sometimes you will have to say goodbye to some friends and find new ones that will encourage you in your life journey.

Avoid Busy

Avoid being too busy. We can easily fill up our calendars to be filled with so much. Lunch dates, week night outings, volunteer work, hangouts. Connecting with people are great. But often times we get so busy and on the go we loose sign of priorities in life. We can be sucked into hustle culture instead of seek the proper rest our physical bodies need.

Seek Rest

Avoid being so busy and seek a rest day. We are called to have a rest day. To take a breather and sabbath. Adding a sabbath to your minimalist lifestyle will help prioritize intentional living. All the other days of the week can have adventures and fun like you wish. It is also good to remember that sabbath can look different to you than it does for another woman. For me, I enjoy staying in with a book, no social media for the day, and watching a movie. Others might enjoy a hike or being outside. Do what is relaxing to you and how you find rest.

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In summary, how to become a minimalist woman is to start seek a positive mindset, seek product necessities, seek good stewardship, seek a clear space, seek fruitful relationships, and seek rest.

This post is all about how to become a minimalist woman.