How To Become A Stay At Home Mom In Three Simple Steps

How To Become A Stay At Home Mom In Three Simple Steps

Mamma Mia Greens

Want to learn how to become a stay at home mom? Don’t want to send your babies to daycare? Moms need to be equipped with the tools in motherhood. Being a mom can be challenging. But is also the sweetest blessing I could have ever imagined. Raising children and spending quality time with them will change your relationship and bond between mom and kids for the better. These three simple steps will be helpful to you as you navigate the importance of becoming a stay at home mom.

This post is all about how to become a stay at home mom.

how to be a stay at home mom

Are stay at home moms happier?

Every job/profession has its challenges, it is all about perspective. Some people may think of how to become a stay at home mom is easy as moms are just relaxing all day. Watching movies with kids and don’t do much(haha yeah right). However, most moms can relate to having a running to do list in their brains. Thinking about doctor’s appointments to schedule, kids practices, meals to prepare, learning activities for the littles, sometimes running on little to no sleep, and to add the never ending house work in. There is so much to do. The tasks aren’t hard tasks. But it can be overwhelming to juggle sometimes. The stay at home mom has more stress because of the mental load can be considered taxing.

Being a stay at home mom has its challenges just like any other job. Some moms feel lonely when the only conversation they have had all day is “baby talk”. On the bright side, it is for the love of the kids you raise to spend time with them as little children. Which is the point. To soak up the precious time with the babies. So are stay at home moms happier? As a stay at home mom myself, I would answer, yes.

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Happy to say, being a stay a home mom is wonderful. To be with my son is wonderful and I couldn’t imagine if I wasn’t able to. I am very grateful to be a stay at home mom and have taken the three steps of prayer, prepare, and prioritizes to assist in my everyday life as a stay at home mom. Let’s get into how this is the secret sauce of how to become a stay at home mom.

how to become a stay at home mom

3 Simple Steps of How To Become A Stay At Home Mom

1. Pray

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6

I couldn’t be a stay at home mom without God. He sustains me. Prayer is necessary to stay grounded and not get burnt out. Pray and ask God if being a stay at home mom is something you are called to do as the mother of your children in this season. From the moment my son was born my prayer life drastically changed. I depended on the Lord to help me, to walk with me as I learn a new rhythm of life with my baby. I have prayed more as a mom than I ever did before. If praying to God is something you are not something you usually do. Here are a few brief tips that can help you start. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit if being a stay at home mom will be the right choice for your family. Ask for his will to be done and for him to establish your foot steps.

Begin your day with prayer before you check your phone or every time you brush your teeth. Doing this will start a habit you wish to create to grow closer to God. Pray specifically on what life would look like being stay at home mom: Pray for provision as stay at home mom, pray for the protect of your family, pray to invite the Holy Spirit into your home, and pray for God to establish your steps in your day. The list is endless. But these topics are extremely helpful. If you are not sure what to pray about, think about the thing you are worried about and start praying about it (refer back to the verse in Philippians 4:6).

2. Prepare

If you are pregnant or even in a corporate job with kids already there are some things to prepare for when taking the transition how to be a stay at home mom. One of the best ways to prepare is by communicating with your spouse about this transition. This will make life very much different for you and your family. Communicate any worries and expectation you both have in this transition. Preparing financially is a huge factor when dropping to live off one income. Especially, important to discuss and budget(we will get more into this on the third step).

Preparing on how to be a stay at home mom mentally. There is some special advice for the first time moms here. Preparing by communicating with your spouse and preparing mentally will go hand and hand together. There is probably a whole other blog post I could write to chat about the transition of adding a baby to the family. The transition is a wonderful experience in the same emotions can be overwhelming. Preparing for the mental load as you transition to be a stay at home mom in one way practicing good coping skills. Learning how to cope in a healthy way can be life giving to you as a mom when you are under stress or feeling overwhelmed.

Some days we are will be harder than others. By preparing before hand will help you when the valleys come. Life will not always go by in a smooth way but with the bigger picture in mind and with Gods help you will learn how to become a stay at home mom.

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Meanwhile, also prepare a guest room for me, since I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you. Philemon 1:22

3. Prioritize

If you want to learn how to become a stay at home mom, there will most defiantly be a shift in priorities. You are more than likely going to go down to just one income. There might be a shift in your budget to make ends meet then spending without thinking about it might not last that long. Learning where to put your money and how to steward it can be a game changer. You will have a better peace of mind when knowing when money is coming in and out.

Your budget might switch to not making as many coffee runs as you used to(guilty). It has so been worth it. Also, it makes it a treat for when you do get out of the house and spend the money on something you want and don’t feel guilty about it because you budgeted it.

Finances are not the only thing that will need to be prioritized. This will be a shift for everyone. Especially, as it related to time. When you learn how to become a stay at home mom, mom might get out of the house as often has she used to.

To make the the transition to a stay at home mom there needs to be a new level of communication in the house hold of responsibilities and time away. As individuals we still have passions and goals we want to work towards. Couples need to communicate the best time of the week for each of them to get away to take a break or work towards the goals they have. This time can be as short or long as it needs to be. It also gives a major reset for mom.

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Due to this transition couples need to schedule their time together. Yes, that might seem silly to schedule it but having intentional time for you both to connect will drastically change your marriage. Being connected with your partner will benefit your household. Scheduling time to hangout after the kids are a sleep is a great time. It can be so easy to want to relax by scrolling on our phones for an hour before bed. Try replacing that time to spend with your spouse. If you are able to budget in a date night. Make it worth it. Do something fun to connect with one another.

The life of every living thing is in his hand, as well as the breath of all humanity. Job 12:10

how to become a stay at home mom

Can I get paid for being a stay at home mom?

Wouldn’t it be cool to get paid to be a stay at home mom? Get a stipend for raising children and teaching them valuable lessons in everyday life in the first few year they are alive? WHELP, hate to break it to you but we don’t get a paycheck for being a stay at home mom. At least, not in the US(if there is another country that does please let me know). How to become a stay at home mom can be a way for being a work from home mom. Lots of companies have flexible work from home jobs that are suitable for young children. Being a blogger can also be an option(pst. that is what I do). If you want to learn on how to become a stay at home mom but need assistance financially checkout this post on 11 Prefect Stay At Home Mom Side Hustle Ideas.

Becoming a stay at home mom has been the best decision I have made. I am so grateful I get to be home with my baby and be part of the big milestones he comes along in his youth.

This post is all about how to become a stay at home mom.