How To Find Rest In Motherhood

How To Find Rest In Motherhood

Mamma Mia Greens

It almost seems impossible of how to find rest in motherhood. Is it just me, or does it seem like there is always something to do? If it’s not the stack of dishes in the sink, it’s the pile of laundry thrown on the couch. Or we have to run to the store because we are out of dog food. Oops and don’t forget about vacuuming since it hasn’t been done in weeks, but now it has to get done because of the young baby in the house who can crawl off the play mat.

Oh and that is just a portion of the cleaning. No one needs to see the junk closest full of last year’s fall decorations. Not to mention not having a clue of what will be on the table for dinner. Especially, with specific foods to avoid due to allergies. Let’s not forget about the health well check appointment coming up Friday and Sally Mae’s baby shower on Saturday morning that we still need to get a gift for. I could go on and on.

Motherhood can be super overwhelming. Regardless if you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom each comes with its own challenges. The workload can be overwhelming but not impossible.

Why is it important to Sabbath?

You might ask what is a sabbath day? I will say that is a great question. A sabbath day is a day that you find rest from your everyday tasks. As a mom, that is exactly what YOU NEED!!

“Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27.

Even God took a sabbath. In Genesis 2 it is written, “So the heavens and the earth and everything in them were completed. On the seventh day God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it he rested from all his work of creation.” Genesis 2:2-3.

If the God of the universe needed rest I assure you, you need rest too. It is important to sabbath in order to prevent burnout, resentment, and exhaustion, and try avoiding the occasional crankiness or quick-to-snap moments(yes, we all have them). We live in a “hustle” culture, but in order to serve people around us better we need to learn how to rest. Did you know it’s biblical to do so? So grab your favorite beverage of choice and take a break.

I once was a full-time graduate student with two part-time jobs(both roles were intended to be full-time positions). During this time, thankfully one of these positions was in ministry. I am forever thankful for my collegiate that strongly encouraged taking a sabbath day. He would make sure I would take my sabbath day and to not text me about work things or “bother” me on that day. But also reminded me not to “bother” him on his sabbath day too. He also made sure I took my rest day.

I was reminded to spend time in God’s presence. I was reminded to quite my brain. In that season it meant I wouldn’t even think about homework, ministry work, or sports marketing tasks(one of the jobs I had at the time). I had to take a mental sabbath. That is exactly what we need to do in motherhood too.

Prepare for the Sabbath

To take a true sabbath is to take a mental sabbath too. It about not even thinking about the long list of tasks, lists, cleaning, chores and just be. We have to learn how to prepare for the day of rest. In motherhood, this means preparing for the meals the day before (or a couple days before) the sabbath day.

I would need to know if we would have dinner plans out or if we would just have to push start on the crockpot. We have to make sure to have the laundry kept up to the best of our ability. That means if I want to wear a specific shirt in my rest day. I will make sure that it is clean.

Honestly, we have to break into a hustle culture battle. Don’t get me wrong I think we should work hard and do our best to glorify God in what we do. But we are also called to rest as mentioned in the book of Mark. I also encourage you to find small time frames of pockets each day to rest. Even if it is just for a few minutes.

When it comes to your sabbath day you don’t have to be legalistic about it. You can make yourself some sabbath day rules. I understand you need to take care of the baby change diapers and feed them of course. But the big things like folding laundry, dishes, that stuff can wait till the next day. I encourage you to work hard the other six days to prepare for the sabbath. You will look forward to it, I promise. I always do.

Sabbath also won’t always look the same for you in every season. It might be on a certain day or you might find rest in different ways. But in all sabbath seasons invite Jesus in every aspect of it. Start your morning praying and don’t end it. Make your whole day by having an intentional conversation with Jesus.

It is important to keep the sabbath holy. To be in God’s presence can be by worshiping him, reading scripture (aka the Bible), or reading and thinking about the Lord. I understand a sabbath day looks different for everyone so it is important to discover what works best for you and your family.Find ways to relax as a mom below.

7 Ways to Find Rest and Relax

1. Reading

Reading is so nice for the brain. Instead of spending hours scrolling on your phone and turning into a zombie. Pick up that book on your nightstand you have been wanting to read. Have your kids also read during this time. It is so important to teach them about the sabbath and to read the books that you already have in stock at home. Reading God’s word is also something to do on your sabbath. Don’t worry you don’t have to just spend hours reading the whole day. Read a couple of chapters and meditate on a verse for that day. Check out one of my favorite motherhood book below!

2. Out of the House

As a stay at home mom, I need to get out of the house. When I mean out, out means going alone. Thankfully my husband will watch the baby for just a couple hours for me to relax somewhere else. Some ideas can include getting your nails done, meeting up with a friend, or going to a coffee shop. Coffee shops are my favorite places to go and relax. I either write, (blog posts like the one you’re reading now) or indulge in the current book that I am reading. Of course, it is made perfect as I sit in a cozy corner chair and sip on an iced honey and vanilla latte.

Thankfully, getting out of the house doesn’t have to be expensive but spending $5 on a cup of coffee for a few hours along refreshes my soul. I always come back to the house in a better mood.

3. Walking

Walking is incredibly good for you. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate 1-hour walk for it to count. Being outside and walking for even 10-15 minutes is a huge mood booster and incredibly helpful for our wellness. Connecting the mind body and soul. Is a perfect way to rest. Along with resting the mind. You can use this time to chat with Jesus. Listen to nature and look at the beautiful world God created. Sabbath doesn’t necessarily have to alone. I have enjoyed family walks. My husband and I enjoy a good conversation while we push our little one in the stroller. Thankfully, he falls asleep most of the time.

4. Sleeping

Sleep, don’t we all want more sleep? I have a baby who doesn’t like to sleep through the night. He wakes up quite often. Maybe instead of getting out of the house, you have someone watch the kids outside the home and you stay in to snooze. Your body might just need some extra time to recover to keep up with your kiddos. It is amazing to see how only a couple extra hours of sleep will do wonders to you. Pray and ask for the Lord to help your body to recover.

5. Mediation

Mediations can be done in a variety of ways. Breathing exercises, holy yoga, or intercession prayer. Connecting mind, body, and spirit.

6. Bubble Baths

Ahhhh just thinking of a nice hot bubble bath with my favorite worship songs playing in the background. Of course, romanticizing every moment with cucumbers on my eyelids and exfoliating face masks will do its job.

7. Writing

The gratitude & mediation journal is a great start to a sabbath day. “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,” Psalm 95:1. Even in hard times, we have so much to be grateful for. Let the Lord know how thankful you are for him and the things you have right now. Lot of miracles in each day.

Happy Resting

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