How to Make a Daily Routine for Yourself Without FAILING

How to Make a Daily Routine for Yourself Without FAILING

Mamma Mia Greens

Learning how to stick to a routine can take time. But it can be made simple. Mamma Mia Greens shares ways to simplify life, especially how to make a daily routine for yourself.

how to make a daily routine for yourself

You will be extremely satisfied with your days when you establish the best daily routine. This type of schedule is perfect if you are a student, if you stay home, if you are a mom(like me), or working. Whatever season you find yourself in, your daily routine needs to be one you stick to.

I look back and wish I learned how to make a daily routine because I would have been WAY more productive and not have procrastinated when I was in school.

Now I have been in a new rhythm as a stay-at-home mom/working mom. Creating a day-to-day schedule has helped our household thrive.

This post is all about how to make a daily routine for yourself.

How do I start a daily routine?

To start a daily routine is to slowly add new habits you want to incorporate into your day. We might all want to completely change our routines and habits. But to avoid failing, it is best to practice adding in only one habit at a time. To start your daily routine, write down all things you want to accomplish in the day. Writing out all the ideas you have for the day, for the week, or even for the whole month of the goals you have will be the first step toward success. While you have all the goals/tasks you need to accomplish in front of you. This will be a great visual to test if some of the things you want to accomplish are too big for one day. Or if the project needs to be spread out over a couple of days. Regardless of how many tasks you have on your list, these tips below will help you be successful in creating a daily routine THAT WORKS!

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Corinthians 3:7.

Why can’t I stick to a routine?

The most common reason why it can be hard to stick to a routine is because the list of tasks can be so overwhelming. If you have too much to do and it seems like too much to handle. Then to the most important thing is to get an order. Getting your life in order can be simply organizing your day and setting goals. If you don’t have any goals then it can be really hard to get to where you want to go in life. Setting aside time to write out your goals will help cast vision to where you want to go and to assist in keeping order. Once this is set sticking to a daily routine will be in your favor because you have your goals in mind.

  1. Remember to keep your goals small. Small goals go a long way when you have small habits. The last thing you want is to have a long list of goals for the day and be disappointed when it doesn’t get done. It can be overwhelming if you schedule too much. Keep your list and goals for that day short.
  2. Time blocking will be your best friend. If have not heard of time blocking it truly is how it sounds, block off time in your day for the things that need to be in your routine. Each time of the day when work needs to be done it needs to be time blocked. You can easily create a time blocking schedule on Google Calendar. However, I love to see my schedule on paper so I gladly print off my schedule to be more aware of the next steps(rather than it hiding in my phone).
  3. Consistency matters. Without consistency, it won’t become a routine. Once you create the habit of your daily and weekly routine it will become natural to you without having to look at your schedule. Another perk is your body will begin to naturally be in rhythm to do your routine. You know you have established a good routine because when the days when you wake up late or you are out of your normal schedule you might feel out of line. However, it is so important to keep going throughout the day even if it doesn’t start on how you planned. The day is not wasted it can still be turned around for good.
  4. Complete your top three priorities. You might have a giant list of to-dos. Or maybe not a few and procrastinate all day. Either way, add three priorities to your day at the top of your list. Simply write down the top three things that you get done that day. A word of advice is to do these things first in your day(after your morning routine, of course).
  5. Create a schedule for everything: But I mean everything. It might seem silly. But when I became a mom it made so much sense. Our house functions on schedules for meals for the week, grocery shopping time blocked, cleaning schedule, and deep cleaning schedule. Having a schedule for even what seems like the small things is super important. Because it can so easily get overlooked.
  6. Establish a good morning routine & nighttime routine. Developing a good daily routine starts with a good morning routine. Getting yourself in a rhythm at the start of your day can help the rest of the day function well like you wish it would.

The most useful tip for how to make a daily routine for yourself when things start to go wrong

The best tip to make your daily routine a success is to…” Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:5-7. Relaying on the Lord in all that you do will bring you the joy and peace you are searching for. If there is anything I have learned about following through with a good daily routine is to not let one bad moment lead to one bad day. Of course, we all might have bad days here and there(actually we all will). But sometimes we can let one little inconvenience spiral in our minds for the rest of the day. In other words, don’t milk one bad moment for the whole day to be wasted. Instead of milking it, pray to our Lord because he is our ultimate helper.

simple morning routine

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This post is all about how to make a daily routine for yourself.