7 Truths On How To Stop Being Materialistic

7 Truths On How To Stop Being Materialistic

Mamma Mia Greens

How to stop being materialistic seems like it would be the most impossible thing to do. In a world focused on wealth. Most are influenced a signifgant amount of 7 second videos a week to frame our lives to what we think will be satisfying. This post will share all about how to stop being materialistic in this world.

Written by: Emily Lopez Last Update: 6/14/2024

how to stop being materialistic christian

Are you tired of overspending? Are you obsessed with getting new things? If so, I am with you. Don’t we all want and like new things? Of course! Even though we live in a culture that LOVES stuff it can actually lead to dangerous roads.

At the end of the day, stuff does not bring true joy only temporary satisfaction. Then where do we as consumers turn our attention for long lasting satisfaction? I was someone who was a continuous coffee shop spender, spontaneous shopper, and had no idea what the word ‘budget’ meant. This post will share real tips on how to look on things above and not on temporary materials.

This post is all about how to stop being materialistic.

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Materialism Vs Minimalism

Before we jump too far in here is a better explanation of a pursuit of a materialistic life. Materialism is quite the opposite from living a minimal life. While these two lifestyles can come off extreme. There are many different types of minimalism that doesn’t come off as extreme. But the aspect of this lifestyle last for eternity than just on this earth. These two can have a balance without being on the extreme side. With most of the work is towards your intentions and mindset you have on life.

What is materialism?

Materialism is to focus on things you buy, shop, or dwell all of the things of this world. Mostly known as constantly shopping, spending, and/or having a deep love for items and anything bought with a dollar and constantly wanting more.

In opposition is to live a minimalistic lifestyle which is to be of simplicity. Popularly known as living with less material items, long lasting relationships, intentional experiences, and express gratitude for the live they live.

How To Change A Materialistic Mindset?

Truth be told I would ALWAYS day dream about things I wanted to buy. We all do right? I would try to justify it. Of course, it is not bad to want new things. Or to get new clothes or home decor, etc. When it comes to a point of obsession is when it can become dangerous. Honestly, I didn’t think this was a problem at first. Think about it we so easily see someone post a nice picture on Instagram if the cool activity they did with their child. Because you thought it also looked fun therefore you were instantly curious to see how how much it costs. You look it up on Amazon to quickly spiral down the rabbit hole of new toys to buy then end up thinking about completely doing a kids play room make over. In reality, you might have gotten some good ideas to think about fun activities to do but more than likely wasted a lot more time planning an imaginary playroom for your kids as if they were living a luxurious lifestyle. So then you leave the app with nothing in your kart(or overspend way over budget/ or spend and don’t have a budget at all) to realize you wasted 30 mins of your time for nothing. Anyone else? Of course, you might not have the exact same situation but pretty close. Maybe with clothes, shoes, home decor, all the things we can get obsessed with when it really doesn’t matter.

There is a time and a place fore everything. Again, it’s not bad to buy things but in a culture that obsessions over the desire for more. It is time to shift our perspective to more intentional living and shopping for a greater happiness in the future. Including the near future which is even today. When it becomes an obsession is when it can be extremely dangerous to idolize things that do not align with our beliefs. If you have thought things like, “if I just got ___ that all I need I will be happy.” but soon desire something else. Don’t worry or feel bad about yourself I have been there too.

How To Not Be Materialistic Even With Kids

Even with children, we as parents must not focus on materials as we raise our children. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”.

In other words, we need to teach our children up in the Lord this is all included in how to stop being materialistic as a christian. We are to teach are children to be a good friend, obedient, doers of the word, lead others to Jesus, be in relationship with Jesus. In the bible, the book of Matthew chapter 6:19, “Don’t store up yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves break in and steal. For for where your treasure is so your heart will be.

Resist Emotional Purchases.The next time you are ready to buy something. It is essential to ask yourself a few questions.

  • Why am I buying this?
  • Does this item have long lasting value?
  • Does this item serve a purpose?

Once you answer these three questions it will help you to determine if it is worth buying. Here are some examples. Spending opportunity: The Krispy Kreme donuts red light is on. Why am I buying this? Because I have sweet tooth and love donuts. Does this item have long lasting value? Temporary satisfaction. Does this item serve a purpose? No. I have been trying to lose weight and that goes against serving me a purpose. Maybe when I reach one of my fitness goals it can be a reward.

Spending opportunity: A beautiful neutral aesthetic sectional couch. Why am I buying this? Because I have put money aside for a couch for almost a year now. Does this item have long lasting value? Absolutely, even saved to get the proper couch cleaning materials for this fabric. Does this item serve a purpose? Yes, to bring a cozy comforting space to my friends and family.

Trying To Impress Others. This type of spending has to serve a purpose to glorify God in all things. It is not to impress people by items but to allow relationships to be formed in our homes by getting all the junk out the way and straight to the heart.

Start Focusing On Your Goals. If you have goals within budgeting or starting up a new business then this is the best way to work toward your goals. If you don’t have a budget this is the perfect time to start one. When you become more mind full of where you are spending your money for long term success and to spending your money in places you actually treasure being.

Take Control Of Your Thoughts. A materialistic world dwells in constantly thinking, taking, and searching the next new thing. Stop the snowball effect by first taking control of your thoughts. Instead of daydreaming of things of the world or scrolling for 5 mins here and there use that time to feed your soul with The Word of God because all aspects in your life will be a time to draw near Jesus.

Declutter Your Space. If you consider yourself materialistic then you more than likely have lots of clutter or a very large wardrobe. A perfect way to stop being materialistic it to declutter the space in your home. This can be done one room at a time. Limit the perspective of it being an overwhelming task.

Practice Gratitude. If you have breath in your lungs then you have a reason to express gratitude to God. A humans we can get so caught up in the things around us including people and stuff we don’t have instead of being happy with the things we do have. Set some time to pray each day. create the habit of giving thanks to God for the small things in life and you will quickly feel at peace with the one who loves you.

Invest in experiences than items. Instead of spending money on all the things like a new purse or a fancy outfit it can be used for an adventurous experience for the family. It can be as simple as mini golf or save up for weekend trip. Making memories is what your family and you will remember and cherish than clothing and materials.

This post is all about how to stop being materialistic.