15 Reasons Why Living With Less Stuff Makes You Happier

15 Reasons Why Living With Less Stuff Makes You Happier

Mamma Mia Greens

Living with less stuff is ACTUALLY one of the best ways to live. You will be inspired to create a home that is of value. Starting with the functions of your home. Soon your entire life will benefit as you are transformed(less stuff less stress). Your entire family will benefit from these changes.

living with less stuff

How to live with less stuff is a work in progress. At first, it might seem overwhelming to declutter. Or you might be thinking, “How could I really be happy with less?”

No matter which way of thinking you find yourself. Less stuff less stress, is a major win for a happier lifestyle. I myself have found this way of living to be fulfilling in my journey as a stay-at-home mom.

This post is all about living with less stuff.

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Will I be happier with less stuff?

Yes. There would be no point in writing this article to you if it wasn’t true. There are 15 reasons listed to why you will be happier with living with less stuff. Keep in mind. This is unpopular. If it was easy, everyone would do it. It is not say that living with less is hard but it creates a better lifestyle for you to live a joyful life. Some minimalist will say you need to live with a certain number of things. But truly minimalism is a not about focusing on materials but it is about focusing on the right things to create purpose.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11.

Living with Less Stuff:

1.Clear Mind

Clear the chaos is a win-win. Oh, how fast can our minds wonder! Are you someone who gets distracted easily? Or even overwhelmed? Creating a clear space in your home will give you a sense of peace that you will be grateful for.

2. Find True Joy

Ever want to buy something and think, “if I just got______that would be all I need.” Or “I would be happy if I had….” This is an example of emotional satisfaction. This emotional satisfaction is temporary. Living with less stuff takes discipline. But to find true joy in things that matter most in your life.

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3. Stuff Doesn’t Own You

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have stuff own you? Paying back debt is, not necessarily something people want to do. However, you will find so much peace when you no longer have to pay off the stuff you so badly wanted at some point. Instead of spending on emotional buying decisions you learn to live within your means month by month.

less stuff less stress

4. Easier to Clean

As a mama, life is so much easier when I don’t have to clean as much. As you create a simpler home by living with less stuff you will see how much faster it will be to clean when you establish a simple cleaning system. There will be much less to clean around.

5. Value Products More

How often do you pull out the items you have in storage? Unless it is Christmas decor or seasonal items why else is it up there?? If there is something that you keep saying, “We will use it one day,” but haven’t. Sorry to break it to you, but you should consider saying goodbye. The minimalist lifestyle can be found as one who values the products you own by taking good care of them. Instead of having products be covered with dust. Using the products you own more often will be better for your mental health and make your space to function a lot better.

6. Reputation

Have you ever been influenced to buy something? Yes, you have. We all have. Sometimes we might buy something because it is trending or to “keeping up with the Joneses.” If that is the case, it might be time to ask yourself if you are buying this because of your reputation or if you actually really want it. Going back the previous point. Ask yourself, “Does this item create value and have a purpose in my home?”

how to live with less stuff

7. Managing Home is Faster

Less stuff, less stress. We find this to be extremely true in our household. Not just will cleaning but in organizing and when it comes to parenting. If your kids always have a ridiculously messy room, like I did as a kid. Then it is time to have then transition to living with less stuff. Less of a task for them and they will be able to be grateful for what they do have. Also, less of a battle to get them to clean their room.

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8. Spend/Save on what you actually want

Instead of buying little stuff here and there. Don’t just buy because there is a sale kind of attitude. Save for the things you want or need rather than bringing in useless stuff into the home.

9. More Freedom

You will have more freedom with living with less stuff because you won’t be overwhelmed with all the things on your to-do list. Being busy is not always the best thing. Having less, is to have less in your way, and less to manage creating more freedom in your lifestyle. Give your best yes to things you really want to do in your day.

10. You become more grateful

This type of lifestyle allows you to create a more grateful attitude. Slowing down will be a great way to pause in your life and be grateful for not just things in your home but most importantly relationships.

living with less stuff minimalism

11. Peace Over Stress

You will be so much happier because you will have peace over stress. Instead of always feeling like you are feeling behind. Your home will have more peace with simplicity.

12. Satisfaction in decluttering

Once this habit of living with less stuff decluttering – is created in your home. You will have great satisfaction when it comes to a quarterly decluttering sessions. Most likely because it won’t take as long as it used to. Also because you will look at the progress you have made in creating a simpler home. It will bring you joy to donate items that are no longer your treasure but are treasurable to someone else.

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13. Not Always Thinking About The Next Purchase

This type of lifestyle brings a new mindset. Instead of always dreaming about the next thing to purchase or constantly filling your Amazon cart you will be more fulfilled in living content. Of course, it is not bad to want new things or replace things in your home. Often in the American culture, we get thrown into a cycle of constantly thinking about the next thing. Instead, switch the mindset you have to be more thankful for what already have.

14. Creates a Happier Home

Without too much hustle your home will be much happier. Spending time to connect in relationships with those who live in your home will be something they will treasure forever. Be creative to find ways to enjoy each other’s company. Along with making the time with your friends, family, and even neighbors.

15. Allows the opportunity to be generous

The feeling of giving to others is beautiful. When you slow down and not just focus on your life but recognize there are people in need. No, you don’t have to have a lot of money to give to people. Time is precious, desserts make people happy, and a little can go a long way. Living with less stuff will help you recognize more people and their needs.

Living with less stuff minimalism

In my experience of becoming a minimalist. I have noticed the word minimalism seems to have a bad rep. To clarify what minimalism is, is focused on time, energy and relationships. Often times we will think it is about having very little in your home. Like a sheltered camping site. That is not the case for everyone. Unless that is something you do want in your home go for it. My assumption is most people reading this want to learn to be content and get the most value out of their lives. If you take the steps to creating a simplified lifestyle then you will be happier living with less stuff.

If you finished reading this article and don’t think it will work for you. Let me encourage you. Think about your relationships in your household. You might have a spouse. A daughter. A son. An in-law living with you. How could that relationship be better? Years from now the people who think of you won’t remember the things you bought them or all the stuff they had. But they will remember how you treated them and how you made them feel. Showing love doesn’t have to be in dollar signs. It is actually by showing the love of Jesus.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” -Ephesians 2:10.

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