Why Me time for moms ACTUALLY changes the home

Why Me time for moms ACTUALLY changes the home

Mamma Mia Greens

Me time for moms is DESPERATELY needed. The alone time for moms is the opportunity for moms to reset and be energized to serve the rest of the family. If you are a mom reading this wondering how you can get me time you are in the right place. Me time for moms ideas is to come and when to recognize when you need the time alone. Motherhood is not a sprint it’s a marathon.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” -Hebrews 12:1-2.

This post is all about me time for moms.

me time for moms

What is the importance of taking time for yourself as a mom?

The importance of taking time for moms has a higher reward for the family than just for mom. Me time for moms changes the home. Mothers nurture, naturally. Moms are wired to be this way. Most mothers have a running to-do list in their brains. Normally, to think a few steps ahead than just the task moms see in front of them. Motherhood work isn’t necessarily hard work but more of the mental load of how it can become difficult. I know it can be harder when a child continues to misbehave and there can be more challenging seasons.

In my experience, as a stay at home mom, of wanting to fulfill my own expectations and standards as a wife and mother. It is tempting to have a so called Pinterest perfect clean home, well behaved kids in all public outings, to have dinner served on the table when our husbands come through the door and many more expectations that we set for ourselves. I believe all of us moms desire and do our very best but can often feel that we fall short. Well, it is is easy to compare our wife life and motherhood to fall short when we see others who post on social media. In reality, we are seeing the highlights of others lives and not the realistic moments of the daily grind. In seeing this we are comparing others best to our worst. With all that to say we will come short because we are humans who will never be perfect.

Even though we will never be perfect as mothers and wives we still have an opportunity to leave a generational impact on our homes. The first step is we must learn to take care of ourselves, as daughters of Jesus Christ, out of his strength than our own. From there we have the power to do anything He has called us to because he has given us the authority.

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me time for moms

How to know when mom needs a break

Every mom needs a break from the 24/7 house & mommy work. There are moments where you need to notice when you need to take a break. One reason to know when me time for moms is needed is by noticing if you are quick to snap at your kids or spouse. You become short with them. As a mom you can overthink, get frustrated, tired, or have a lack of motivation. These are signs of being overstimulated as a mom and it would be necessary get a break soon to prevent these moments from happening often. When this occurs I take these five steps to reset my motherhood.

Me Time For Moms Ideas

1.A Friendly Outing 

One way to enjoy me time for moms is to get out of the house to meet with a friend. A simple coffee date or running an arrend together can be your escape from the baby and kid talk for real adult conversation. Anybody else feel like they start talking like Ms. Rachel and forget they are around adults, cause same(if you don’t know who Ms. Rachel is I will link her YouTube here. Your little ones will loving learning with her). Anyway, being social with a good friend will help energize you in a new way, especially with other mom friends who you can relate with. 

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If you are struggling about who you would call to hang out with. I have two major suggestions for you. The first is the find a group to join and two I read a book called Find Your People by Jennie Allen. This book changed my perspective about making friends and looking to people who God has placed near us. It is an incredible read.  Making close friends might take time. But jumping out of your comfort zone with help challenge you even if some starter conversations with new people can be awkward. 

2. Dedicate Nap Time

When the baby is asleep it seems to be my favorite time of day. Of course, I love being with my baby, but having just a hour or two to myself is precious time. During the daily naps, I use this time to be dedicated to things I ACTUALLY WANT TO DO. Read that again. Mama, I know there is something to clean, laundry to fold, we could name a million things I am sure of the tasks you need to complete. However, once I stopped doing chores and doing something I love or that refreshed me. I began to really enjoy the things I was doing so much more. As you read this, my son is having his morning nap. I love to write so creating this blog has helped me enjoy my motherhood. I have enjoyed using my “free time” to build a community with other mothers. If you enjoy writing you too can create a blog. Writing is a wonderful outlet to share the things you are passionate about. Think about the things you could enjoy doing during me time for moms? Reading, binging a Netflix show, have a HOT cup of coffee. I encourage you to use this time well to fuel yourself. By doing so will change the mood of your home.

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3. Become An Early Riser

Becoming an earlier riser is another way of saying wake up early. Honestly, waking up early is not fun in the moment your alarm clock goes off. However,  every single time I do get my feet on the floor and start moving I am so grateful I did. Becoming an early riser, will help you to be more productive and boost your mood before your children become your alarm clock. This time can be used as “me time for moms” to get the chores aside and do things you want to do. Or this time could be a combination of both. Get started with a simple morning routine by waking up at the same time everyday and one good thing will lead to another. Once you get in this habit you will start to crave it and look forward to waking up because it is time you get to enjoy alone. You got this, mama. 

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4. Focus on Wellness

If you are a mom who is trying to find something to do for your me time for moms. These tips will help you grow as a mom. Focus on wellness. Being a mom who wants to be the best wife and mom to her family will dive into her wellness. Focusing on your well-being is to develop through mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Yeah, that can seem like a lot in once sentence. For mom to make wellness a priority to maintain is not for her benefit alone. Her children will learn to create good practical ways of living a fruitful life by the way the mom shows them and teaches them to be healthy beings. Me Time for Moms can be a great time to workout, create a healthy meal, pray, read the bible, journal, call a friend, etc. 

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5. Find Ways to be Alone 

Me Time for Moms can look like again being with a friend, going to a coffee shop alone, a sunset walk, working out, spa day, shopping, hike, hobby you enjoy, etc. 

Our family does well when mom leaves every other week to have to herself. Again, I will work on blogging, or read at my local Starbucks or coffee shop. I am only gone for an hour and a half to two hours. When I come home I find myself excited to see my family and ready for the rest of time to spend with them.


A Helpful Tip For Me Time For Moms

Schedule IT

Me time for moms should be on the schedule and everyone knows about it. It is good to schedule me time for moms because it can be a target goal to look forward to when you get to have your me time. When you have it scheduled you are less likely to lash out because you have frequent me time. I understand that me time for moms can be done outside the home. Scheduling this time for your spouse and kids to mentally prepare it is a helpful tip. Your spouse will know when he is on baby duty and you honor the time you need and watch the kids while you are out. This time has multiple benefits to allow the kids to bond with daddy time and for mom to get out of the house.

This post is all about me time for moms.