Minimalism Inspiration to Live a Simple Life

Minimalism Inspiration to Live a Simple Life

Mamma Mia Greens

Minimalism inspiration will benefit your daily decision-making to live a simple life. Being a minimalist will be the most impactful way to change the way you do life to live more intentionally. Living more intentionally means being more aware of where your time is being utilized. However, it can be easy to fall back to the materialistic mindset and get away from the true desire of living simple. This post will give you practical minimalism inspiration so you can mindlessly change today and learn how to get closer to reaching your minimalism goals

This post is all about minimalism inspiration.

minimalism inspiration

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Minimalism has much more to do with the outcome of your life than living with less mentality. This world is extremely focused on the possessions and materials that it can be a distraction to us and the important things that truly matter.

Have you ever gone out to a restaurant and looked at the people at the tables near you? There is always a couple or a group of people when at least a few people on their phones. It drives me nuts!! There are people right in front of you but individuals are distracted with a little device that keeps us way from true face to face connection with those we are present with in the moment.

Phones are not the biggest problem when journeying through minimalism. They do offer true value in some ways but can also be a distraction from the things that will make minimalism feel good.

Why does minimalism feel so good?

Minimalism feels so good because when you have fewer items to check off of your to-do list. There are several reasons why minimalism inspiration feels so good and it will create new habits in your day-to-day rhythms to last a lifetime. Here are the five reasons why minimalism feels so good.

#1. It Creates Order

When you begin to live minimally you know where everything is. Keeping order keeps us sane and far from the chaos. When you have an order you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and overstimulated. When you have less to manage physically and mentally it becomes less of a stressor. When you have order you create a schedule to work well with your family to function at its best.

#2. Healthy Mindfulness

Clutter doesn’t just fill the walls of your home and possessions it also fills the mind. The mind is so powerful. When you choose to live with less your mindfulness will also flourish. Less to think about and less to “mentally organize.” We must keep healthy minds to function better and as part of living a life of intention is to have well trained mindfulness.

Related Posts: How to slowly start becoming a minimalist checklist

#3. Being Organized

Don’t you feel like you have accomplished something great when you’re organized? There is just something special about having an organized home to make living more simple. Organization leads to the freedom of time because of the structure you have set. Setting the organization in your life to be functioning at its best capacity will help you and those around you to function best. See a theme here?

#4. Be A Clean Freak

Keeping a clean home is hard. But having less to clean is also the best move you can make. Cleaning your way into the minimalism inspiration is EXACTLY what you need to keep it simple in all things. Declutter and clean the things that are no longer are needed in your home. Replace the mess with the sweet aroma of a clean home.

#5. Positive Out Look On Life

Minimalism Inspiration is to create value in your life through intentional living. Often we can be stuck in a negative mindset without even realizing it. We might be drowning in so much chaos that it is stealing the joy in our life. In the idea of an intentional living being a minimalist can feel so good when choosing to think in a positive manner. Of course, this will take some practice. Being a human is hard, but our minds are powerful. Practicing gratitude and positive thoughts will take you further.

minimalism inspiration

If you ask any mom with littles how they are doing more than likely they are feeling overwhelmed. Feel less stress and less of mess when you CHOOSE to live minimal. Imagine a day where cleaning only took about 30 minutes – 1 hour of your day instead of constantly having to clean after one mess after another. Wouldn’t that be great! A lot of minimalism inspiration comes from imagination of having a kept clean home.

Living simple is extremely possible… sometimes you just have to come to the realization that you don’t need a ton of things. Whether you are living on one small income or are sick of having crazy about of messiness everywhere. There is so much peace that comes from living a simple life.

Now that we know that minimalism has many ways to make us feel good. What are some ways to feel inspired than knowing it will make us feel good? It makes me think of when you go and visit the health doctor. The doctor will probably say if you diet and exercise you will feel much better. Of course, we all know that! However, we need some more inspiration than just saying it will make you feel you. You feel? Here are practical ways to get minimalism inspiration when you don’t have any!

Where to find minimalism inspiration?

Your environment will LARGELY impact your perception of minimalism. If you want to be inspired into living a minimal lifestyle then there needs to be a change in your day-to-day life that influence your decisions.

Who are you following?

Be inspired by the people on social media that are living the minimalist lifestyle, slow living, and intentional living pages. Great resources to look at are pages on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook groups. Each of these places in the social media world are great resources to be inspired, learn something new, and motivate you. We can be influenced in the smallest of ways.

On the flip side, simply those you do follow. When someone comes across your social media feed ask yourself, “Is this post encouraging me or putting me in a bad mood? Does this post give me peace or create mental chaos.” Your time is so valuable. Let us steward our time to be more intentional even in the social media world.

Related Posts: Secret’s to Simplifying Home In Only 21 Days

Connect with people

Keys to having a minimalistic lifestyle and minimalism inspiration for you is creating the habits that last to be a minimalist. Connecting with others face to face is part of human nature to be around those of common interest. Connect with people with similar mindsets who want to live intentional lives. Others might bring to the table ideas or thought you’ve never heard of and you might do the same for them. We don’t have to minimize friendship we are going to minimizing our time to be of good value. So let’s hangout with friend that exhort us. Amen!


Pinterest is a WONDERFUL way to get minimalism inspiration. Follow me for more inspiration! Pinterest is a visual platform to get good ideas and be inspired to do many things. Let your creative side come out and create a minimalist board. If you have a specific look you are interested in, cleaning tips, organization hacks, plus more add it to your board to dream and be inspired to make the changes for your lifestyle in the future.

Educational Resources

We live in a time where we can get information within seconds to our fingertips. Literally! If you want to gain inspiration in a different way there are so many resources out there. We just have to choose some of the right ones. Youtube, books, blogs, influencers, and more can be a great source of inspiration as you journey into minimalism.

Here are some of my favorites to be inspired by:

Youtube: The Minimal Mom

Instagram: The Bara House

Blog: Mamma Mia Greens (duh!)

Books: The Minimalist Home By Josh Becker

 If you were encouraged by this post. I always appreciate when you share with a friend. One great way to do so is by tagging the Mamma Mia Greens Instagram account. We love to hear your feedback and love to encourage you as you simplify your life.

Here at Mamma Mia Greens we believe in sharing hope in Jesus Christ in all things. Yes, even in the mist of chaos in the home we live in. We are inspired to living simply to be less of the world and more of Jesus.

This post is all about minimalism inspiration.