Minimalist Inspo for a Thriving Family

Minimalist Inspo for a Thriving Family

Mamma Mia Greens

In today’s culture families are persuaded in so many different directions. A minimalist inspo lifestyle is a path families can take to remember the most important times. Other might take a path that makes them think they can not get enough or ever have “enough”. Fighting the battle to minimalist living is to shape your life on what is really important to you and your family. We all want our families to thrive and live a joyful life. But in the grand scheme of things it takes work to maintain a simple lifestyle. Even with how funny it may sound, but creating boundaries creates a good life to experience. You might be asking, what does that look like? How do I do this? Come be inspired on how to cling to the minimalist lifestyle.

This post is all about Minimalist Inspo.

minimalist inspo

What are the ideas of minimalism?

The ideas of minimalism is simplicity, living a life with purpose and intention. One of the most common minimalist phrases is, “less is more.” But how can less really mean more? You mean there is happiness in not having much? The world we live in today and especially in the American culture people glorify the amount of possessions, luxurious items, trending clothing(seasonly) and more things than we can even think of. These items and possessions seem to be the focus point on status and value on individuals. Even deeper into subculture parents view of point is to passed on to their children the status quo to high dollar items= happiness, value, and sometimes fame.

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Minimalist Inso for Families

Would it be nice to have a thriving family. What does a thriving family look like to you? Your image of thriving could look a whole lot different than mine. Is it to have a big house with land filled with every thing you could have imagined for your life? Is it a city condo? Family travel vans?

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Do you realize that these materials only make you happy for a short amount of time before you desire something else? If materials make you happy then you be chasing the next obsession after the next one. Your end goal or finish line will always be moving. It can be exhausting and life will never be satisfying to you if you want more, more, and more.

The first step to gaining some minimalist inpso for your family is to ask, What is important for your family? We have to ask ourselves this because kids are not going to remember all the toys they had or the fancy clothes they grew out of. You want to know what kids will remember in there adulthood? They will remember how you treat them, fun filled memories, family traditions, habits installed in them, and the foundation you as parents set for your family.

Create a remarkable childhood for your babies because you taught them the important value in life. So if life’s happiness is not in possessions? Then what is it in?

True Happiness comes from God.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17.

If true happiness is from God how can I apply that to my life? In the day to day be filled with the holy spirit. Day to day find out what matters to you and it all is a habit.

minimalist inspo

Invite Your Children In the Process.

Invite your children to be part of your switch in the minimalist process. When it is time for quarterly clean outs(Which you should do if you don’t do this already). Make a trip to the donation centers with them or to local hospitals. This is a wonderful teaching moment to love other kids and allow your children to be part of the process when they donate their clothes, toys, shoes, books, and anything else they no longer use to give to others in need.

Relationships that are fulfilling.

Doesn’t mean it is going to have perfect friendships all the time. But being intentional in these relationships is important in this lifestyle. Now I am not saying you need to cut down to one friend. But sometimes we can be influenced by friends that are actually toxic to your mental well-being. As bad it sounds, those friends are not the ones that are fulfilling us in ways we deserve. Living the minimalist lifestyle is to create space for more meaningful things in life, including people. Choose people to be in your inner circle that will bring you hope, help you grow, and are fun to be around. Just as they are good for you, you will be good for them. This counts for every member of the family. Our kids need good kid friends too.

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minimalist inspo

Create a functioning space.

As a Mom, I know there will always be cleaning. Always. But it will be so much better to maintain when each item has purpose and creates value. When there is too much clutter it becomes overwhelming and creates anxiety. Not just to you but also everyone else in the family.

Being content with what you have.

Due to social media without even thinking about it we are comparing ourselves to other people. We see someone post their new car, items in a very aesthetic house, clothes they just ordered on amazon, vacations they go on. We can be comparing our lives to others highlights. When our reality might not be glamorous on an average day.

Living within your means is what being content is all about. Yes, it’s okay to desire a better life for yourself and want certain items. We must remember that you can own stuff but don’t have stuff own you.

As child, I would always stuff things in my closet to “clean my room”. As I stuffed my closet it would add to mixed piles of dirty and clean clothes. It was obviously showed the little care I had for the things I owned. Taking care of them meant not being overwhelmed by so much.

Let the minimalist inspo be used for your kids to appreciate the things they have. Along with the idea of not making it a fight to clean, care for and be a large task of cleaning day after day. When we have less of stuff we make room for more connection, play, and fun for our kids.

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Learning to say, “No”.

Setting boundaries really seems like the not so fun part of parenting. Put it can often be part of choosing to live a lifestyle of minimalism. Of course, some things might seem really fun in the moment. Making spontaneous choices too often will not always be fulfilling to your family. However, finding a balance between saying no to certain things when it seems like everyone else is doing just fine with them.

For example, this is a heated topic for some(trigger warning lol), screen time. It affects your child’s behavior and makes them not in a very great mood. It can be easy to constantly put a screen in front of them out in public, or when you want to do “your own thing.” I think you need to or should give yourself a break sometimes. But it is not necessary good for them all day long. Just like it not good for the parents either. Some families are okay with it but in regards to wanting a family to thrive in the minimalist lifestyle starts with saying, “no” even when others say yes.

Minimalist Inspo is a Journey

I am not a so called the perfect minimalist at all. In fact, there is not a perfect minimalist either. It is a journey of fighting the battle of consuming too much. Just like if I wanted to eat the whole gallon of ice cream in one seating. A couple spoonfuls are good but not the whole thing. Just like sweet desserts, I have learned to take possession in moderation. Let’s continue on this journey together to live intentional lives as we serve our families at best.

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This post is all about Minimalist Inspo.

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