#5 Valuable Rules to Perfect A Minimalist Organization Home

#5 Valuable Rules to Perfect A Minimalist Organization Home

Mamma Mia Greens

Becoming a minimalist organization FREAK is something I LOVE and will never go back to my old ways of how I used to be. But did you know it actually takes discipline? That right, in a world based on materials and new products constantly being launched, making the switch to have a minimalist organization mindset will get your home functioning in the way it needs to be….without all that extra stress.

Minimalist Organization

When my decluttering journey began, someone from the outside looking in would probably not put me in the category of “a hoarder,” but I would spend on random things without even thinking twice about what I was spending on. I never asked myself some of the main questions when making simple purchases. I say this because I know I am not the only one. Do you fall into this trap too? Dollar section at Target anyone?

This post is all about the ways I learned, as a newbie minimalist, on how to organized home and giving you the secrets to live in a comfortable stress free home.

You will be inspired by the minimalist organization ideas, that you can’t wait to get your home in order as well. Get ready, now let’s jump in.

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How to organize like a minimalist?

To start organizing like a minimalist you have to think like one. In other words, get yourself in the right mindset. If you have not read, How to slowly start becoming a minimalist checklist, STOP here and go read… then come back here for more in-depth information.

As I was saying, getting in the right mindset of a minimalist is start being more strategic about the items you want to organize. As always, items should serve a purpose and have value in your home. In fact, from now on it should start before you even purchase your next item or decided to stroll(or scroll) through Target(you will notice this retailer is my weakness). Being intentional about your items of what you have and where you place them in the home. This way the things with function well in your home making it all be as smooth as smooth can be.

I’ve once heard someone say, “Run your home like business.” This is an amazing perspective. will your business be a five star? Or have terrible ratings? You get to decide. This quote sure got me to work as a new minimalist homemaker. At that point my business would probably get a very poor rating. Just think if someone were to step in for just one day would they know what needs to be done?

Here is a real honest disclaimer. If you think that being a minimalist will solve all your problems it won’t. HOWEVER I believe it will make life easier when having to manage less things in your organized home. Being a minimalist for me(and can be for you) is a heart check. Scripture tells us that, “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” 1 John 2:17. It was time to decide that enough is enough. Instead of wasting time and money on things that don’t last or have emotional satisfaction(which doesn’t last very long). Becoming a minimalist for me, was saying less to the things of this world and more of just being in the presence of Jesus. Praying, reading the Word(Holy Bible), and being in fellowship with others has changed the way I do everything in life and where I find true joy in Jesus.

minimalist organization

#1. Everything has a space

First things first when wanting to have an organized home. Make the things in your home help you not hurt you. In other words, things need to be functional. Instead of spending on things to add to the space invest in proper ways to organize and store your space. Think of your pantry, if you just put food items anywhere to fit on the shelves without order, it would be hard to find things or even see what you have. This make items go to waste, because you simply did not realize you had them. Instead, opt in to getting a few food storage bins to start organizing your pantry well. Lazy Suzan’s are great for can foods and spices.

Don’t worry your pantry doesn’t have to be EXACTLY like the ones you see on Pinterest but adding a few bins will make a big difference(don’t forget to label them).

#2. Keep Counters Cleared

Keeping your counter tops clean and uncovered with random things will give your mind a breather. “The more clutter you can see, the more easily you’ll find yourself distracted.” It’s true if you want to focus more then make this it is time to limit the distraction’s.

#3. Three P’s: Prioritize, Plan, Prepare.

Prioritize: When organizing anything in your home you must start organizing by prioritizing the most important places in following these helpful minimalist organization tips. Some places in the home to prioritize could be the kitchen and/or office. Why these places? The most commonly used places(well at least in my house). If you have a lot of company you might choose your living room and kitchen. Find your top two places and start there!

Plan: Plan out the spaces so they will function so at best. Let’s use the kitchen for an example. If you are cooking all the time it would not be functioning at its best when all the spices are far from the oven in the pantry. Instead, let’s work smarter not harder and have the spices in the cabinet or drawer closest to the stove top for quick easy use while cooking.

Put most commonly used items in good reach rather than on high shelves. This will lead to less messes and to help stay organized. Plan out each part of your space for the things you use most to function well for an easy clean up.

Prepare: Now that you have your space planned out now its time to prepare it by filling it with your simple stuff(please not too much stuff).

This rule is super helpful in more than just organizing items.Think about all the things you need to prepare for your day. The plans you make with friends, you want it all to function well, right?

#4. Don’t Keep Things You Haven’t Touched in Three Months

Minimalism will look different from person to person. You need to find what works best for you and your family. Our family would not be considered as extreme minimalists, but 100% would be considered a clutter free home. This is mostly because I don’t keep things I haven’t used in a while. For so long I would say, “I need this, I am going to need it one day.” Of course it would just be an extra thing to move from apartment to apartment with no value or purpose to me. If you have items like this, like I once did, it is time to say goodbye. You can do it.

Of course there are exceptions to item that you might use one day. For examples, baby clothes in storage bins, seasonal items, very few sentimental items. A good rule to use is if you haven’t used it in three months then consider donating, reselling, or trashing(if it has not functioning as it should).

An easy minimalism storage ideas can be made easy by simply filling and labeling lid covers plastic bins to be placed away in an attic or garage for those seasonal items.

#5. Tidy Up Everyday

Once you have your space organized it should be kept that way. This systems are designed to help you succeed and thrive in your days. Best advice is to put your stuff back after you use them. Save yourself time then having to go back again and again the spaces you leave mess(I am still working on this myself). Therefore, have less for less stress.

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In closing, minimalist organization is all about creating systems in your home to make each day smoother. When you have less you are more focused because you’re not distracted by all the things that life throws at you. Praise God, we don’t have to put our hope in things of this world but we get to choose to put our hope in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Minimalist organization ideas, Minimalist organization tips, organized house, minimalist storage idea, minimalist declutter before and after, Minimalist organization ideas, etc.