How To Know If Minimizing Home Is For You

How To Know If Minimizing Home Is For You

Mamma Mia Greens

This post is all about minimizing home.

minimizing home

You would not believe all of the the stress that would fall on me each day I woke up. My home was far from simple and seemed like too hard of a task to start cleaning.

I know I am not the only one who has felt this way. We all have to muster up the courage to make the change to live a more simple way. Less stress about managing a mess and creating good systems in the home is what will make it thrive and function.

So who is with me? This post will give you a greater insight if you feel on the fence about why you should become a minimalist.

This post is all about minimizing home.

How do you drastically declutter?

To drastically declutter your home, you need to muster up some incredible motivation! If you want to drastically declutter in a week I would say it will require a few hours of work each day. Drastically declutter your home by grabbing two trash bags. One bag is for actual trash. The other bag is for donations. Next step is to go through each section of your home and determine if the things you hold on to serve value and/or a purpose. If not then it’s time to let it go.


Make a drastic pursuit to minimalism, slowly. I highly recommend this method because you will create the habit of minimalism in yourself then continuously seeing a messy problem over and over again.

Why I become a minimalist…

How to tell if minimizing home is for you really depends on how your family values. To be open and honest I started to becoming a minimalist when I became a stay at home mom. As a 24 year old who desperately wanted to stay home with my newborn some things needed to change in my lifestyle. Especially, transitioning to one income household. I started selling things on Facebook market and Posh-mark for things I no longer liked or needed so that I could stay home. I realized for my family that being home with my son meant there need to be some sacrifices for a life I really wanted.

You’re someone who gets overwhelmed easily

If you have ever walked into a room and immediately felt overwhelmed with the amount of things, dirt, mess, etc. It might not even be a room it could be an overstocked junk drawer or linen closet. Regardless, of where the space is it has becomes too overwhelming to handle. Making downsizing more and more appealing before even more things quite literally pile up.

You get distracted easily

If you are someone who seems to get distracted by starting multiple project but not finishing them. If you are someone who create mess after mess. Or can fall into a trap of getting stuck on your phone scrolling through social media and who knows what. Then minimalism is a create solution.

You need to save money

Minimalism is for you if have a goal to buy a new car, a house, or any big expense when you need a large amount of money for a down payment. Your money will be saved a lot faster than carelessly doing shopping hauls or overdoing it on your grocery budget. If you don’t have a budget… then this a good time to start one.

You are messy

If you take a while to clean up after yourself. This makes it so much harder to manage your home because you have several messes all around your home. Well with less stuff, less stuff to clean.

You have a busy work life

Simply, you don’t have the time to be dealing with all things in your home because of how much you are working.

You would rather SPEND elsewhere

Instead of being materialistic, I actually created a budget for our family. We started limiting our eating out fund and careless coffee runs, for things that matter to us more. This I am so grateful for. This is when I felt convicted and you might too. Careless spending through drive thru coffees and the Target dollar section. Don’t get me wrong. I still enjoy these things but it needed to get under control and more intentional spending.

Still not convinced? Living a minimalist life has shown me more of Jesus. It truly has. I had learned to turn off all the noise and busy lifestyle and to be still in His presence. For so long I wrestled with trying to hear God. I would always refer to my sheep hear my voice(Parable of the Lost Sheep: Luke 15. Honestly would have a panic because if I felt like I couldn’t hear God then I am I not his? This make me real vulnerable. For so long I thought I was too busy that I would “cheat” my way to having a relationship with God. Now you have to read all that I am saying here because there was a conviction I felt from the Holy Spirit.

Disclaimer: you might feel it too. But that is up for you to come to God and talk it out with Him (not me).

I felt like instead of spending time to read the word, myself. I would listen to worship song after worship song, sermon after sermon, but I wasn’t retaining or meditating on the personal relationship aspect of knowing God. I stopped over consuming other peoples testimonies of Jesus and started to create my own relationship with Jesus. Now, of course I still go to church listen to sermons and worship my Lord. But now I see why it is useful to do all the things and not cheat my relationship with God. I dig deep in my bible and know the Lord himself all days of the week not just on Sunday’s.

Step one. Make a list of what you want to minimize.

Step two. Make the list of your Why. Create the reason why this is important to you. This can be listed or written in a sentence or two.

Step three. Your game plan. Create a deadline for your minimalist clean out. It is super helpful to set realistic goals to get through each space/room in a timely matter.

Step four. Get Started!!!

This post is all about minimizing home.