7 Reasons Why You Need to Simplify Your Home

7 Reasons Why You Need to Simplify Your Home

Mamma Mia Greens

Life can become chaotic very quickly. You can help settle the chaos by making the first move to simplify your home. “Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor – it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” Sometimes the clutter in our lives truly takes away from living a joyful life. Don’t we all want to live joyful lives? This post shares seven reasons why you need to simplify your home so you will be lead to a more joyful life.

This post is all about how to simplify your home.

simplify your home

How do I start decluttering my house?

Decluttering can be so daunting. If you have too much too declutter it is best to take the process one room at a time. Start with one small task and watch it snowball from room to room. Be sure to finish one space at a time before you have a bunch of little messes(very guilty of this). One of the best spaces to start is your spice drawer/cabinet.

Create small habits throughout your days that benefit to serve you well. Over time you will look up and realize you created a simple way of living because you were disciplined in creating healthy habits. The small habits of living clutter free will shape your home and you will begin to leave stress free.

As you start decluttering your home areas, you will begin to realize how much stuff was tucked away. Along with how little of things you use. You will gain peace of mind when you have clutter cleared in your home with less to move around.

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simplify your home

Invest in Simplicity

Living with less is possible for all different types of families. Some items are essential when it comes to the simplicity of your home. Here are some great ways to practically implement organization in the home by investing in simplicity.

Baskets & Bins

Drawer Storage Cubbies

Shelf Dividers

Electronic Cable Organizer

7 Reasons Why You Need To Simply Your Home

1. Not productive

One of the first signs that you need to simplify your home is because you simply just can not be productive. This reminds me of when I was in college I could never do my homework in my dorm room. It was so crowded because everything I had was in a tiny room that was shared with my roommate. Your home should be inviting. If you tend to loose focus in your home because you have too much to do then it is time to simply your home. Sometimes when a space is too overwhelming it can be hard to even start being productive in the smallest ways.

2. Overwhelmed by cleaning tasks

If you wait till the end of the week to start cleaning then you will 100% feel overwhelmed. Or if you are a person who has to clean a lot everyday this can be overwhelming. Cleaning should take place everyday. However, it should not be a whole day event or take you hours and hours. There needs to be a change in the system to figure out the best way to create a home that is simple for less time cleaning and more time enjoying the things you like to do most.

Related Posts: 9 House Cleaning Hacks To Make Cleaning Easy

3. Stressed

When you walk into your home or into a room in your home does it bring you stress? Do you have multiple junk drawers or junk closets? I have been there. In reality, holding on to stuff for years and yeas does not create any value in the home and is taking up space physically and mentally where stress can build up.

4. Hard to find things

Sorry friend, but the organized chaos can only get you by for so long. If someone were to be a guest in your home and you would want them to feel at peace and not be frustrated because they simply can’t find a bath towel. You might need to simply your home in this area because you probably have too much stuff and it is not organized properly to create value in your home. Items in your home should be well kept and serve a purpose. If they do not serve a purpose or create value then they have got to go. This will help create a better functioning space to find what you are looking for.

5. Too much to maintain

If you have house tasks, after tasks, after tasks. It can get to the point where maintaining a home that is too much work than be a space of relaxation. Sometimes living in a smaller space with less things will serve you better than many rooms to clean. You might be a mom with a bunch a kids or you have

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6. You tend to be ungrateful

I am sorry to put you on the spot like this. But I only mention this because I REALLY want to help you grow. I can say, when I get overwhelmed and life isn’t going in like I hopped it would in that season I tend to be ungrateful. Rather than thanking God for the gifts He has given me. I would complain about the smallest things just because I am sitting in chaos. Talk about compared to other countries the us has way more than enough

7. Consumer Debt

Believe it or not but financial stewardship has a lot to do with how to simplify your home. If you live in the USA, comparing your living situation to most countries around the world We are very rich. It makes me question why so often why we think we don’t have enough. In today’s world we are programed to want more stuff. We constantly think if we get this one thing we will be Or if we just have this house, I will be happy. If I get this pair of shoes it will make me happy.

Related Posts: Incredible Decluttering Tips For Clothes To Live Mess Free

Consumer debt is outrageous in this country. So how can I fix this in my life? Well it is living within your means. In other words, we can simply create a budget that works for your family so you don’t spend money on pointless stuff that doesn’t mean much to you when you can save for items you actually want. Again these items should bring value and purpose. Instead of wanting more and more stuff but living a life of experience.

If you find yourself wrapped up in debt then there can be a solution to your problems. This might be a reason to simply home if you look around and find things that you have bought that have brought you stress or collecting dust. This can be an awesome opportunity to resell items that are not valuable to you and put towards paying off any debt you may have.

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This post is all about how to simplify your home.