Secrets To Simplifying Home In Only 21 Days

Secrets To Simplifying Home In Only 21 Days

Mamma Mia Greens

Simplifying home can really be…well, simple. Pick up this 21-day challenge to simplifying home and be encouraged along the way. Whether you’re trying to become a minimalist or just want to simplify your life there are some incredible tips on this blog site to help you get started.

This post is all about simplifying home.

simplifying home

How do I start simplifying my house?

If you are aiming to have a simple look to your home it is definitely possible. It can be incredibly easy to compare your living situation, the amount of money you make, and the possessions you have to others. But in reality, having more things can be overwhelming. Some may say that having too many things can get in the way of what truly matters in your life. One of the best practices of managing a household is to take it one day at a time. Your home will start to be more simple as time goes on because you have developed the habit of living simply.

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As you start simplifying home, your life will also begin to be more simple. Your home will not look PERFECT because there is no such thing, but it can look simple. It is extremely important to examine why you want to live simply. In reality, possessions don’t last forever but relationships do. Maybe, managing a household with littles is an incentive to live simple so there won’t be as much to clean? Maybe, instead of owning all the products you see an influencer post you use that money to take a vacation? Whatever your goals maybe when minimizing home remember to take it one day at a time.

Continue to learn the secrets to simplifying home in 21 Days through the process of decluttering, cleaning, and becoming more organized.

Simplifying Home 21 Day Challenge

Week 1

No better way to start out this challenge than where most spend most of your time. I assume because we all EAT… Let’s clean out that kitchen.

Day 1: Spice Drawer

Breeze by your spice drawer or cabinet. Check the expiration dates and consolidate multiple spices if possible. Throw out old or expired spices. From here you can organize the most used spices in the front and less used spiced to the back.

Day 2: Plates, Bowls, Cups, Mugs, & Silverware

How many mugs do you really need? If there is glassware you haven’t used for an extremely long time it is time to say goodbye!

Day 3: Tupperware Food Storage

Can’t remember where the lid is to your container? Find all the pieces to your puzzle then trash old lids with stains and unwanted marks. This should be arranged nicely in the cabinet for when it is opened there won’t be a domino effect.

Day 4: Cooking Utensils Pots & Pans

Replacing old pots and pans for better quality can be necessary. When adding in new cooking essentials be sure to donate unused or old pans.

Day 5: Under Sink

Trash, empty soap bottles, old sponges, etc. In the busy times of cleaning the kitchen, this can become a mess quicker than some would like to admit.

Day 6: Fridge

Weekly your fridge should be cleaned out. However, as part of the 21-day challenge do a deep clean by removing EVERYTHING and wipe down all surfaces in your fridge. Clean out any expired food including condiments.

Day 7: Pantry

The pantry might be a big task to tackle. Pantry items can be filled with so much that they can easily be cluttered. The easiest way to go about this decluttering day is to take everything out, clean the surface, and organize by the type of food. For example, canned foods will be grouped together, pasta should be grouped together, baking items should be grouped together, etc. Then put them back in the pantry by group.

simplifying home

Week 2

The first week is all about the kitchen, the second week is moving on to smaller common place in your home that can often get a little messy.

Day 8: Couch

Simply remove pillows that no longer have fluff in them and condense to only a few pillows. Less pillows will help give a simpler look to your living room. Along with making an easy clean up.

Day 9: Blankets

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Separate all of your blankets by seasonal colors. Or to minimize even more by only having a few natural color blankets.

Day 10: Entertainment Center

Time to dust off the entertainment center and get rid of those old DVDs!! Keep the home decor here simple and minimal. Sometimes this space can be empty and still make simplifying home look just as beautiful with less to clean around.

Day 11: Bookshelf

How many books on your bookshelf have you actually read? If there is a good book you think you will read again then keep it. If you don’t see yourself reading through it’s okay. A great opportunity to give it to a friend or donate.

Day 12: Entry Table

Minimal is key here. If this is a place where you stack up mail or have items you need to ship. Let this be a time to declutter this space. The goal here is walk in your home and not see chaos right away.

Day 13: Hall Closet

If this is your coat closet or your linen closet contents what is appropriate for you and your family? Don’t feel the pressure to minimize to an extreme (unless that works for you). Let the items be valuable to you and your space.

Day 14: Bathroom Cabinets

Simplify the “extras” in your home by going creating order in the bathroom.

simplifying home

Week 3

The last seven days are intended to be in our bedroom, office, and maybe the garage or attic. Come along for the Last 7 Days!

Day 15: Hanging Clothes

Honestly, we all know you do not wear ALL of the clothes in your closet. Having wardrobe staples are a must and an easy way to create a long-lasting wardrobe. Declutter your clothes by donating or giving your no longer wanted items to a friend.

Day 16: Dresser Drawers

Can’t get those dresser drawers to shut? Still think you’re going to fit into those jean that you said would motivate you to go to the gym? Not to be a downer but it might be time to get rid of the things that are just taking up space. Putting the laundry away will be much quicker when you have place for all your clothing.

Day 17: Under Your Bed

Do you stuff things under your bed and say you’ll use them soon? Oops, same.

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Day 18: Shoes

Some shoes just need a good cleaning while some need to be trashed. Minimize to shoes you will wear over and over again in the right season.

Day 19: Kids Toy Bucket

Studies have shown that fewer toys actually enhance the quality of playtime for kids. This allows your kid to be creative and enjoy playtime. This being known your kid doesn’t need every toy under the sun.

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Day 20: Office Files

Office files can seem like an extremely long task when you have paper after paper to go through. However, labeling each section in your filing cabinet will help keep your bills and important documents in order. Once this large task is done it will make future organization much easier.

Day 21: Extra Home Decor

Time to end the 21 day challenge by minimizing home decor. Old storage bins are full of no longer used fall decor, Christmas decorations, and all the holidays of the year. Some of the decor that we liked when we bought it but only used it for a season. Minimize by clearing out your buckets of extra home decor you won’t use in the years to come.

You did it!! Congratulations on finishing the secrets to simplifying your home in 21 days. Your home is an extremely important place to feel at peace. Decluttering your home can often be the starting point to a simplified life. Simplicity is key. We live in a world that influenced us by the need of certain products to be satisfied. In reality we are over consumed with so many things. Simplifying your home is a start to simplifying your life.

“Do not conform to the patterns of this world. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -Romans 12:2.

This post is all about simplifying home.

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Here at Mamma Mia Greens we believe in sharing hope in Jesus Christ in all things. Yes, even in the mist of chaos in the home we live in. We are inspired to living simply to be less of the world and more of Jesus.

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