How To Clean Wall Stains To Remove All Types Of Stains

How To Clean Wall Stains To Remove All Types Of Stains

Mamma Mia Greens

How to clean wall stains is SUPER simple. It takes only a few products and your walls will begin to sparkle.

Written by: Emily Lopez Last Updated: July 1, 2024

how to clean stains on wall

As a mom of a toddler, it is an essential to learn how to quickly remove stains from my walls. In all honesty, I do this chore rather quickly before guest arrives because it tends to be the last thing on my radar.

Cleaning walls truly can be a quick shore and has made my home look noticeably clean. This formula includes dry walls, baseboards, and doors throughout the home. You will also gain wisdom to cleaning other areas of your home and even area your life in the following blog post.

This post is all about how to remove wall stains.

How to remove stains from painted walls?

Most of us have painted wall(actually probably all of us). The key to removing stains from painted walls is to be as gentle as possible. If you start off by scrubbing hard stains on your wall it will become obvious that you have attempted to clean your walls. Here is the secret, you don’t want it to look like you tried but actually accomplish it well. Below, we will get into the details of the soultion but the most helpful yet simple suggestion is to be as gentle as possible.

Best Products To Remove Wall Stains

There are many products out there to assist in all types of stains. It is essential to get some of these products. Depending cleaning style preferences. For products that don’t require much maintenance. Best recommendations go toward easy to use sprays such as:

Wall Direct Spray

Wall Cleaner Spray

Goof Off – Household

Natural Wall Cleaner

VERNY Portable Wall Paint Solution

Other Household products that are more natural and non toxic type include:

Baking Soda

Distilled White Vinegar

Cleaning Microfiber Rags(x2)

Magic Erase White Sponges

Warm Water

Dish Soap

  1. Gather The Materials. Collect you items near such as a bucket, spray bottle, distilled white vinegar, cleaning rags, magic erase sponges, and dish soap.
  2. Make The Solution. Make the solution of a couple drops of dish soap to a half gallon of warm water to be placed in your mop bucket. This solution may also be helpful in a spray bottle, depending on the amount of spot you are going to clean. The spray bottle may be more convenient for a few spot.Just be sure you’re not using cold water.
  3. Simply Damp Microfiber Towel. Do not soak your towel to prevent soaking to wall. damp one corner of you rag and squeeze and excess water out. Have a dry second rag handy for wiping any water drops that attempt to drop from the stained spot.
  4. Gently Damp Dirty Stained Wall. Instead of scrubbing the wall press on the the spot with the damp towel several times until the stain is removed. Be sure to keep an eye on your mop water for two reasons. First being if the water is cold, cold water will just make it harder to relieve the stain. While warm water is more effective. Second reason is to check if the soapy water is becoming too dirty. DO NOT continue to place your damp rag into the dirty water into bucket. This way you do not make you wall more dirty with a dirty rag.
  5. Use Distilled White Vinegar(if necessary). If you find it hard to remove a certain type of stains use a spray bottle with equal proportions of water and vinegar. Spray the stain area just once and once again damp your microfiber towel.
  6. Magic Eraser Sponge For Tough Stains. Lastly, wet a magic eraser sponge with water and VERY gently scrub your wall. If you scrub to hard paint will come off. After scrubbing repeat step three and four to cleanse the wall once again.

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Additional Cleansing

Your walls are not the only thing that could use a wash. There are so many things in our homes and lives that also need to be washed away. If only there was one way we could wash all the stains in our lives and make us as people clean.

“He gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness, and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works.” Titus 2:4

Titus 3:5 reads, “He saved us- not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy- through the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit.”

It is true Jesus can wash anyway everything. I know you clicked on here to learn about how to wash wall stains. Which you got the answer plus more. Because everything we do we can be reminded and look to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. The best thing of all is that we do not have to earn our way to Jesus. We simple can believe in our heart and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord.

Jesus has changed everything I do in life. I love to write and help people glorify him in all things. Doing everything for His glory, not to impress people with the things in your home, not with how clean your home is do it for him. To be a good steward of the gifts He has given you on this earth. Because the things of this world our temporary, they will eventually turn to dust.

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This post is all about how to clean wall stains.