How To Overcome Procrastination And Laziness

How To Overcome Procrastination And Laziness

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How to overcome procrastination and laziness can be an extremely difficult obstacle when you rather do anything else but the necessary things. This post will give you the best tips to overcome the hardest battles when moving towards accomplishing your goals.

Written by: Emily Lopez Last Updated: 6/17/2024

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Being lazy and procrastinating can get to the best of use sometimes. None of us desire to be lazy, but might say we enjoy taking breaks. None of us desire to be procrastinator to rush to the deadline at the last minute. Overcome the struggles you face by acknowledging your weakness and using practical resource

The difference between laziness and procrastination?

Laziness and procrastination are two different concepts. Laziness is to lack. In most cases to have no pursuit, to lounge and not do much. To procrastinate is to delay starting or complete a task. Even though these are two different concepts, laziness might be the issue in procrastinating.

What is the neurological reason for laziness?

In an article published by Neuphony, shared The Root Cause of Being Lazy in relation to low dopamine levels. The article gave helpful brain training ideas to help overcome laziness by practicing mindfulness, building a routine, set goals for yourself, and reward systems. These tips run similar to the way to overcome procrastination too.

In concerns to brain health it can be a largely impacted in multiple area of a person life. Function at your best by focusing on your brain heal and you will be AMAZED at the results you see in yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

6 Ways To Stop Procrastination:

Write Your List. Make your giant list of to do’s. The next step is declaring when you are going to do them. If you are someone who needs to do lots of things but have only a few things you really don’t want to do. Do your least favorite tasks first. If you have to call someone for an appointment or coordinate logistics but phone conversations are something you put tend to off. Make this the first thing you do. When you get the hardest thing done first then you will move faster to the tasks of things you enjoy doing. Make your list not too hard to accomplish. If you right down a million hard things to do in one day, you will look at your giant list and be disappointed when you do not accomplish them all. Have your giant list and circle your top three that need be done in one day. Tell yourself not to go to sleep that night until you have completed all three tasks. If you do more than three tasks then GREAT you did it. Keep your goals small because small progress is better than no progress and it keep you moving forward.

Overcome Distractions. Know your weakness. Distractions can be largest obstacle in accomplishing a task. You could be trapped in your endless rabbit hole thoughts, your smart phone, friends inviting you to do anything distracting you from doing the things that are right in front of you. In my own journey to being more productive and avoiding procrastination is by fighting the battle of distractions especially day dreaming. Don’t get me wrong it is completely healthy to take breaks and you should… for a short amount of time. Too long of a break will make it a lot harder to gain momentum in completing your task at hand. Overcome your weakness by setting a timer to completely focus on your ONE task and then take a break to allow your brain to wonder off for a moment.

Manage Your Time. Time blocking will make your schedule easier. Do you ever feel like when you have less stuff on your schedule you procrastinate more? But when you have a lot more on your schedule you actually get more done? If this is you, I totally understand. Creating a routine and sticking to it. Even with children, we ALL thrive off routine and will function better when we know what is coming and it has become part of your lifestyle. Truly, all of this comes down to habits. For example, the only way I make time to write blog posts(like the one you are reading right now) is because I schedule it. Everyday during my sons nap time is when I write. I set up an appointment for myself. It is known he can’t miss nap time and I can’t miss writing time. I treat it like it is a job because once I get going it brings me joy even when it is hard on somedays. Even when I don’t feel like it, it has become a habit I cherish that helps me reach my goals.

Do The NEXT Task. How easy it is to get overwhelmed by the long list of things to do. You might find yourself not doing anything because the task became too large. Instead of dwelling in all the things to accomplish. Stick to thinking and doing the very next thing on your to do list. This will help you easily manage your time to keep moving then getting stuck and not allow yourself to be unmotivated. Our minds wonder so quickly, don’t become frozen but keep moving.

Renew Your Mind. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2. Your mind is extremely powerful. You have to renew your mind and think on things above rather than the things you don’t want to do in that moment. Renew your mind by meditating on scripture and continually standing on truth. If your mind it constantly milking the idea of, “I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to…” You will move way slower procrastinating even longer. The way you think about the things you need to do will be a big factor of how much time it will take to get things done.

Conclusion- Major Take Away

A wise man named, Willie Robertson once said, “You just get up, get out there, and get after it.” Sometimes we can think too much about a large task we have to complete. Making it over complicated to the point where we make it a larger deal than it needs to be. Procrastinating on a task more often times can get done in shorter amount of time than we make up in our minds of the length of time it will take. Some of the best advice on how to stop procrastinating is to not think about it too much. It is truly that simple. “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.” -Proverbs 4:25-27. This is an amazing truth to stand on to overcome distraction and accomplish great things for God’s glory.

This post is all about how to overcome procrastination and laziness.